• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Northern Lights

Why Are You Doing This?

Why Are You Doing This? 1200 676 nccsadmin

As part of the Northern California Conference’s journey to organizational health, and thanks to a generous gift, the conference directors and officers were able to fund seven community-relevant and mission-driven proposals.

James Lim, director of Health Ministries said, “With the approved funding we are able to offer ten medical and dental clinics in which services are free to the community.”

The Woodland church was the first to host one of these clinics in July. Based on identified community needs, they focused on three main areas of service: dental, vision, and stress management.

With almost 80 volunteers, the church united to serve 170 clients from their community. Daniel Garza, the pastor, explained, “People lined up as early as 4:30 in the morning coming from all faiths and walks of life.

Vitaly Polovin, traffic flow director for the day, explained, “The clinic was a success in that it got down to the core of Christian ministry: Uplifting humanity by helping those in need and pointing to Jesus. It appears that selfless acts, like this clinic, get people’s attention and cause them to stop and think: Why are these people giving of themselves to others so freely?”

Brian Radut, church media director, added, “The health clinic was a great blessing to the city of Woodland and the Woodland Adventist church. You could see the joy on each volunteer and visitor’s face as they witnessed God’s love in tangible form.”

As reported, many community members asked, “Why are you doing this? We cannot imagine a world where services like this are provided free with no strings attached.”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 11, 2022

Yreka McKinney Fire Update

Yreka McKinney Fire Update 1200 621 nccsadmin

The largest active wildfire in California this season, the McKinney Fire, has impacted our church members and those connected to our churches and school.

Within 24 hours after the fire started, the NCC Disaster Response Team connected with Bob Mason, district pastor, who was at Redwood Camp Meeting. He reported, “Our Yreka church is in the mandatory evacuation zone. Currently, we have 23 church families who had to evacuate, eighteen from Yreka and five from Scott Valley.”

NCC Disaster Relief Funds in the amount of $2,300, donated by our compassionate givers, were distributed within one day after Mason sent the request and will be given to the evacuated members.

According to Mason, “The Yreka and Scott Valley members may have to meet this sabbath at the Scott Valley Church since it is not in an evacuation zone.”

Mason continues, “Thank you so much for the prayers and for reaching out about our fire here in Siskiyou County. The kindness extended will be very appreciated by our people.”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 4, 2022

Yreka McKinney Fire Update

Yreka McKinney Fire Update 658 493 nccsadmin

The McKinney Fire, adjacent to Yreka broke out Friday afternoon in the Klamath National Forest near the California-Oregon border. As of Monday, August 1st, it has burned more than 55,000 acres and caused nearly 2,000 residents to evacuate. Click here for the latest CAL FIRE report.

The NCC Disaster Reponse Team is aware of the developing situation and is in contact with Yreka church pastor, Bob Mason. Unfortunately, there are church members who are evacuated and many more that are in an evacuation warning zone. Let’s keep them in our prayers.

NCC Disaster Relief funds have been authorized for affected church members and those connected to the church and school. The NCC Disaster Response Team is keeping in close touch with pastor Mason.

According to CAL FIRE Captain Chris Bruno, “The blaze has become California’s largest wildfire so far this year.”

Stay tuned for further reports or contact media@nccsda.com

NCC Developing News • August 1, 2022

Gone to Redwood Camp Meeting Will We See You Here?

Gone to Redwood Camp Meeting Will We See You Here? 1188 892 nccsadmin

Click Here to View Redwood Sessions

Redwood Camp Meeting Schedule

Featured in Northern Lights • July 28, 2022

Marlene Rodriguez Ordained

Marlene Rodriguez Ordained 1200 675 nccsadmin

Marlene Rodriguez, associate pastor of the Gracepoint church was ordained on Sabbath July 9.

Jose Marin, executive secretary explained, “The service was a simple, and a beautiful affirmation of God’s calling of Pastor Rodriguez, the first Latina woman to be ordained in our territory.”

As the associate pastor at Gracepoint church, she has found unique ways to connect the community to an abundant life with Jesus Christ.

Jim Lorenz, ministerial director said, “It was great to see Marlene ordained. She is a very gifted person in helping churches connect to their community, an important quality in our territory.”

It is also notable that Rodriguez utilized the NAD’s women in leadership scholarship on her journey to ordination. The scholarship was established for women who are committed to serving the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

When asked about her favorite reflection on the service, Rodriguez said, “We worshipped the One who calls us by name, and to see the diversity in God’s Kingdom was absolutely magnificent.”

Featured in Northern Lights • July 21, 2022

Chico Church Welcomes New Pastor

Chico Church Welcomes New Pastor 877 957 nccsadmin

Cherise Gardner was installed as the new pastor of the Chico church on May 7, 2021.

Gardner spent fourteen years pastoring in the Southern California Conference, including the Long Beach church and as an associate pastor of the Eagle Rock church in Los Angeles.

Gardner explains, “I have dedicated my life to empowering others, especially young people. I was drawn to the idea of serving the Lord in some aspect of ministry around the age of five, when I decided to become a pastor like my grandfather.”

On her move to a quieter Chico, Gardner continued, “I couldn’t have imagined a more loving church. The Chico members have been very generous. The day I got here they mobilized the food train and accepted me into their family!”

According to Jim Lorenz, ministerial director, “Pastor Gardner is a motivated and dynamic leader, and will serve the Chico church well in its call to ministry.”

Featured in Northern Lights • July 21, 2022

Intentional Witnessing That’s Just Plain Fun!

Intentional Witnessing That’s Just Plain Fun! 1200 621 nccsadmin

“When the heart slows, conversation flows,” says Steve Hamilton, senior pastor of the Paradise church.

Hamilton and a cadre of parents, students and community members share a common interest in offroad vehicles. Through a weekly “shop night” on the Paradise school campus, students, youth, and adults come together to design, weld, grind, wrench, paint, and generally modify Land Cruisers, Jeeps and other 4x4s for off-highway travel.

“Of course,” says Hamilton, “once you build the rigs, you must take them out!” The group spends many weekends testing the limits of their handiwork, climbing trails, and motoring over rocks.

These shared experiences create a camaraderie that is unmatched. Hamilton explains, “Through the shop program and off-roading we’re creating experiences with intention.

Hamilton concludes, “Intentional witnessing to a group of people that you have a common interest with is a perfect venue to share your faith. It is a path to a church without walls. What could be more inviting?”

Featured in Northern Lights • July 21, 2022

Elder Walter Arties III at Rest

Elder Walter Arties III at Rest 365 450 nccsadmin

Walter Arties III, the singing evangelist who founded Breath of Life Ministries, passed away on June 26, at age 80.

“Walter Arties was a visionary. He was a bold, courageous and yet gentle giant who walked among us,” said G. Alexander Bryant, North American Division president.

You can view the “All God’s People tribute to Elder Walter Arties” online:

On Vimeo by Clicking Here

On YouTube by Clicking Here

Featured in Northern Lights • July 14, 2022

The Haven Church Welcomes New Pastor

The Haven Church Welcomes New Pastor 1120 1000 nccsadmin

Pastor Vince Saunders, was installed as the new pastor of the Haven church in Deer Park on July 1st.

The Haven church was heavily impacted by the Glass Fire and faces unique challenges as many members rebuild.

Saunders has been in ministry since 2006, and in the NCC since 2015.

He says, “I am excited to get started guiding and nurturing a church to be known for its loving spirit.”

Featured in Northern Lights • July 14, 2022

Patty Osborne New Associate Superintendent

Patty Osborne New Associate Superintendent 1200 1469 nccsadmin

Patty Osborne is excited to be returning to the Northern California Conference to work with the education team!

She has been a teacher at Pine Hills and Echo Ridge in her long teaching career, as well as Principal of Lodi elementary and an associate superintendent for the Central California Conference.

Recently, Patty has been given the greatest job of all, Grandma! She looks forward to working with the NCC as well as her first grand-daughter.

Featured in Northern Lights • July 14, 2022