The Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventist is a network of churches, schools, and ministries dedicated to transforming people through the good news of Jesus Christ and preparing them for His soon return.

Churches and Companies

Baptized Members

Full-time, Part-time, Contract Employees

Annual Average Budget is about $46 million
Other Church Organizations
General Conference
North American Division
Pacific Union Conference
Sister Organizations
Adventist Colleges & Universities
Adventist Health
List of Hospitals in California
Adventist Mission
Albion Retreat and Learning Center
Christian Record Services, Inc.
Pacific Union Recorder
Church State Council
Pacific Union College
La Sierra University
Adventist Review
Adventist Media Center
Religious Liberty
Maranatha Volunteers International
ADRA International
Get the News! Engage with the Northern California Conference by subscribing to the NCC’s weekly emailed news source, “Northern Lights.” Sign up:
Membership Assistance Fund – In response to the high number of church members in financial difficulty, the NCC administrative team established the Membership Assistance Fund, which is completely supported by donations. Make a donation here. Read more about the fund at