• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Northern Lights

Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation

Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation 589 295 nccsadmin

From September 15 to October 15, as a nation, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month.

The 2022 national theme is Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation. This theme encourages all voices to be represented and welcomed to help build stronger communities and a stronger nation.

In 1968, Hispanic Heritage Week began under President Lyndon Johnson and was expanded by President Ronald Reagan in 1988 to cover 30 days starting September 15. In recognition, we would like to highlight the Hispanic work in our territory.

The first Spanish-speaking church was organized in Oakland in 1925 by lay evangelist Rudolfo Limas, a Portuguese sailor. This church disappeared from the written records, but the gospel message spread, and new churches were established in St. Helena, Hayward, Fairfield, Lodi, and Stockton.

By 1978, following a major evangelistic campaign in the Bay Area led by Eliezer Benavides, then Pacific Union Hispanic Coordinator, another Spanish church was organized in Oakland. Together with the other five churches, the collective membership was 475 people.

Since then, the growth rate of Hispanic work has increased exponentially, with 3,350 members by the end of 2021, several church plants, and missional groups throughout Northern California. As the 2022 national theme implies, united we are stronger.

Featured in Northern Lights • October 6, 2022

Vegetarian Food Truck Event for Community

Vegetarian Food Truck Event for Community 1200 448 nccsadmin

The NCC Young Adult Department is constantly developing new and practical ways to connect with the community.

One creative event will be a vegetarian and vegan food truck extravaganza in the NCC headquarters parking lot in Roseville. This community-relevant event will take place on Sunday, October 16, from 11 AM to 3 PM.

Organizer and pastor of the Woodland church Dan Garza expressed, “Our team is expecting so many young adults at our holistic health conference, we decided to share the love of Jesus with the surrounding community by using food. With a $20 internet advertisement we received over 300 requests for information on the event! What better way to engage the community and promote healthy living than to invite the whole town?”

Featured in Northern Lights • October 6, 2022

Student Leaders Meet at Leoni Meadows

Student Leaders Meet at Leoni Meadows 1200 621 nccsadmin

Recently, 190 student leaders with 90 sponsors and staff members from around the Pacific Union Conference attended the Student Leadership Conference at Leoni Meadows.

The event is held every year and student leaders engage in leadership activities, gain inspiration from featured speakers, and network with their peers.

According to one student participant, “Everyone here is singing and participating, and they are asking, how can we get the kids at our school to participate like this?”

Nick Sigler, student association sponsor from Rio Lindo said, “This conference is an opportunity for campus leaders to “network, conspire, and come back to school ready to brainstorm.”

One Rio student leader reflected, “It was great to be back at Leoni. We’ve not only had fun, but we have learned how to be better leaders through service, including washing the feet of my friends.”

Featured in Northern Lights • October 6, 2022

Adventurers Hit the Road

Adventurers Hit the Road 1200 626 nccsadmin

On Sunday, October 2 almost 200 children riding bicycles and tricycles attended the 2022 Adventurers Bike Derby.

The event is held annually to offer a safe venue for Adventurers to earn their cycling award of riding five miles or more.

The bevy of riders with their bikes and trikes met on the campus of Sacramento Academy to ride around the running track, with a smaller course for younger children.

Barry van Iderstein, children’s ministries director said, “The event was a huge success. This was the first derby in three years due to the pandemic, so we were blessed to have such wonderful participation and spectacular weather for the event.”

Featured in Northern Lights • October 6, 2022


When COVID Comes To Church

When COVID Comes To Church 150 150 nccsadmin

Featured in Northern Lights • September 22, 2022

Report on Disaster Relief Funds

Report on Disaster Relief Funds 1200 734 nccsadmin

Because of the Mosquito fire’s location, the NCC Disaster Response Team has been busy connecting with churches to ensure all evacuated members and those connected to the local church or school have been identified.

This effort revealed the fire impacted members from five churches: Meadow Vista, Lincoln Amazing Grace, Gracepoint, Georgetown, and Foresthill Church Company.

Thanks to our NCC Compassionate Givers and the hard work of local church leaders on the ground, disaster relief funds were distributed in the amount of $2,600 to the 26 families who were identified.

One member reported, “These funds came at the right time and helped to alleviate some of the stress related to displacement. Thank you so much!”

Featured in Northern Lights • September 22, 2022

75-Year Community-Relevant Ministry Reopens

75-Year Community-Relevant Ministry Reopens 1200 863 nccsadmin

On August 24, cars lined up outside the newly remodeled Placerville Church ACS Center. Each driver was met by a friendly volunteer and a box filled with nutritious food.

Displaced by the Caldor fire, one driver explained, “I’ve been struggling because food is so expensive. The only other food bank is down the hill, but with gas so high, I limit how often I go. This food place is close and a great help.”

Teresa Contreras, ACS co-leader, describes the first distribution day after eight months of being closed, “Our wonderful volunteers cheerily unpacked food donations and easily organized them without bumping into one another — a common occurrence in the old pantry space. In the front area, others waited with full wagons. Everybody was ready to serve, and the community was happy to see us back.”

At the ribbon-cutting ceremony on September 15, Andrew Uyeyama, head pastor, explained, “For over 75 years – 40 years at this location, the Placerville Church has been serving food insecure families. Because it is such an important ministry, our church was committed to reopening as soon as possible.”

Wendy Thomas, El Dorado County Supervisor, expressed her gratitude and clarified the vital role of ACS because Placerville is considered a food desert, and many experience food insecurity.

James Lim, NCC ACS Director, and Derrick Lee, NAD ACS Director, announced they had approved a $10,000 grant to support the work of ACS in Placerville.

The Eldorado County Food Bank Director stressed the importance of the partnership and donated $2,000 worth of gift cards to the center.

Contreras continues, “Our ACS was a beacon of hope to the community, and now, through the grace of God, our light will shine again, and our services will be a blessing to our community as we connect them to Christ.”

Featured in Northern Lights • September 22, 2022

SAA Students Help Feed Community

SAA Students Help Feed Community 1200 675 nccsadmin

This summer students from Sacramento Academy engaged their calling to service at the Carmichael Adventist Community Services (CACS) food pantry.

According to Susie Kim, assistant director of CACS, “These mission-minded youth regularly came to the food pantry each week to help bag produce, stock shelves, load cars, and in general keep the food pantry going strong.”

Kim concluded, “SAA is dedicated to teaching students about serving their community. As a result, students often put in more than 200 hours each year. Thanks to our volunteers, CACS can distribute food to more than 250 families each week and is a blessing to our community.”

Featured in Northern Lights • September 15, 2022

North Highlands Spanish Becomes a Church

North Highlands Spanish Becomes a Church 1200 558 nccsadmin

On Sabbath, September 12 the North Highlands Spanish group became a church!

Pastor Jaime Calvo said, “Achieving church status on Sabbath, is a testament to our members’ dedication, time, and effort to God’s cause. He has truly blessed us.”

In 2009, Sacramento Spanish planted the group in Fair Oaks and by 2016 the group became the North Highlands Spanish Company.

It has grown over the years by being community-relevant. Members have been active with in-home visitations, VBS, health, and evangelism seminars.

Member, Guillermo Arevalo said, “It is an overwhelming experience to become a church after years of work growing our membership.”

Featured in Northern Lights • September 15, 2022

Ministry Leaders Get Support and Training

Ministry Leaders Get Support and Training 920 1018 nccsadmin

Recently three of our departments hosted weekend events to provide resources to local ministry leaders.

The Women’s Ministries Department hosted a leadership workshop to spiritually strengthen and help reconnect women in ministry. This event offered practical tools and techniques to revive ministries and connect volunteers after two difficult years of pandemic restrictions.

Angela Fusilier, director of women’s ministries, said, “The web of connection activity highlighted the importance and value of networking and pooling resources. Judging from the feedback of our fifty women leaders, the weekend was a great success.”

At Leoni Meadows, youth director Eddie Henrich with children and family ministry director Barry van Iderstein, led the Pathfinder and Adventurer Leadership Convention.

According to van Iderstein, “Our main theme and purpose was making sure our Pathfinder, and Adventurer groups are meeting the spiritual needs of our children through club ministries. Each event presenter was specifically chosen to support, inspire, and equip leaders to advance the spiritual growth of children.”

Featured in Northern Lights • September 15, 2022