• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Northern Lights

David Peckham Installed At Stockton Central

David Peckham Installed At Stockton Central 682 516 Ken Miller

November 19-David Peckham was installed as the new senior pastor of the Stockton Central church.

Peckham joins the NCC from Valley Center Church in San Diego County where he has been since 2015. In ministry since 1974, Peckham is known for his friendliness and constant activity.

According to Meleseini Tu’itupou, a Stockton member, “Even before he arrived, he asked us to send out invitations to everybody on our books, attending and not. He wants our members to be proactive, and involved in habits of connecting with our community, both Adventist and not.”

Tu’itupou continued, “I think members have been sparked and drawn into a leadership style of energy and action. This will be great as we serve our neighbors with passionate kindness.”

David and Cheryl, his wife of 48 years have two daughters: Melissa, who is the principal of Hilltop Christian School in Antioch, and Janine, associate pastor at Lodi Fairmont.

Featured in Northern Lights, January 5, 2023

Stockton Central Hits The Streets

Stockton Central Hits The Streets 1200 675 Ken Miller

Stockton Central engages its community with compassion with many community-relevant service projects.

For nine years, the “Homeless Feeding Team” has faithfully provided meals to thousands of unhoused residents in Stockton. Twice a year, they collect food from members and work in partnership with a local food bank. Then on a Sabbath, they feed many grateful people.

Another team in the church operates The “Community Service Ministry”. Once a month, they open the church gates and gym doors to give away supplies to the surrounding community. According to David Salcido, church member, “Depending on the season, weather or holiday, 50-70 customers per day is normal.”

Salcido continued, “You don’t always receive a lot of thanks in this ministry. But, that one special person will thank you from the bottom of their heart because you have filled a real need, and that makes it all worth it.”

Featured in Northern Lights, January 5, 2023

Pine Hills Choir Wows Capitol Crowd

Pine Hills Choir Wows Capitol Crowd 1200 626 Ken Miller

December 6- Pine Hills Academy Choir helped Sacramento Capitol visitors ring in the Christmas Season by performing a selection of sacred and secular holiday music.

As part of the Capitol Holiday Music Program, the Choralaires performed in the Capitol Rotunda. According to David Carreon, principal, “It is amazing and satisfying to have our talented students perform in such a public setting.”

Carreon continued, “It is a privilege to be able to share the story of Jesus’ birth through song in such a secular setting. To see our young people minister through music and interact with the community is what Adventist education is all about.”

Featured in Northern Lights, January 5, 2023

A New Year With All Its Possibilities

A New Year With All Its Possibilities 1200 798 Ken Miller

Photo: Ray Hennesey

The old year, with its burden of record, is fast passing away. The new year, with all its possibilities, will soon be ushered in.

What advancement have we made in the knowledge of Christ during the past year? Are we prepared to show, more decidedly than ever before, that we are on the Lord’s side? At this time, when the nations of the world are wavering between infidelity and idolatry, are we prepared to stand as faithful ambassadors for Christ? Shall we not, at the beginning of this new year, give ourselves and all we have to God? Shall we not listen to His voice, which calls us to a renewed contest, to a more thorough consecration of ourselves and our entrusted capabilities to His service?

To God we owe all we have and are. In Him we live and move and have our being. We have not been forgotten by Him. In His book each human being has a page, on which is recorded his whole history. Constantly and untiringly God is working for our happiness. The treasures which He has placed within our reach are numberless. “The Lord is good to all; and His tender mercies are over all His works. Thou openest Thine hand, and satisfiest the desire of every living thing.” He is the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. The earth is full of His goodness. Creation proclaims, with myriad voice, the forbearance, love, and compassion of the Almighty.

E.G. White, Signs of the Times, January 2, 1901
Happy New Year!

Featured in Northern Lights, December 29, 2022

Thoughts On Christmas And Unity

Thoughts On Christmas And Unity 911 607 Ken Miller

“The Christmas Mission” During the Christmas season, I am on a mission to decorate the whole house, send Christmas cards, and prepare a gift list by the first Monday in December. I must admit that sometimes I fail because things don’t always go as planned. However, upon further reflection, all this preparation seems insignificant compared to God’s mission.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we recognize that Christmas is about God’s mission to save and redeem those who are lost. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him would not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

In the small town of Bethlehem, a special baby was born destined to save people from eternal death and loss. “And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name JESUS, for He will save His people from their sins.” (Matthew 1:21)

Jesus, as he matured into adulthood, never wavered from the mission of saving everyone who believes. He was focused, determined, and committed to saving those who were lost. He was resolute in His mission to redeem humanity.

Jesus is our example! Just like Him, we should be as focused and enthusiastic about our mission. What is our mission? It is the one Jesus gave to the disciples before leaving earth—to go and make disciples. It’s that simple. We have the privilege of partnering with the Divine to connect women, men, girls, and boys to Jesus for life transformation and eternal salvation.

One of the beautiful aspects of this mission is how it unites all of us. Though we may come from different backgrounds or have diverse perspectives, we can be aligned by the mission, which is why our theme for this current quinquennium is “One Body, One Mission.”

As one church body, we can unite to carry out God’s purpose within the Northern California Conference territory of more than eight million people. We are commissioned to reach each one with the good news of hope and wholeness.

So, this Christmas, let’s be on a mission to reach our family members, neighbors, co-workers, and friends with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Let’s look for opportunities to share the love of Jesus. It may mean going out of our way or our comfort zone. Either way, it will reflect the same spirit Jesus had when He became flesh and dwelt among us. That is the Christmas mission.

Marc K. Woodson, President
Merry Christmas!

Featured in Northern Lights, December 22, 2022

Kai Hodges Installed At The Market Street

Kai Hodges Installed At The Market Street 1200 707 Ken Miller

October 29- Kai Hodges was installed as the new associate pastor of the Market Street Adventist Church.

The service was moving and overflowing with deep emotions. Pastor Kai expressed gratitude to her family, her senior pastor Edwin Brown, and the congregation for the opportunity to serve God’s people.

According to Rudy Peters, coordinator of African American ministries, “I believe Market Street Church has found the right person at the right time for the assignment. It was heartwarming to see the youth conducting the entire service and pledge their support to God and their new youth pastor.”

Featured in Northern Lights, December 15, 2022

No Props? No Problem

No Props? No Problem 1200 621 Ken Miller

December 9- After being shut down for two years because of the pandemic, the Santa Rosa church had its 23rd annual nativity program.

Traditionally cars would drive through the parking lot and see the live scenes with back drops setting the location and mood. However, time and the elements deteriorated the backdrop scenes over the years.

Not to be held back, the church decided to continue the event as a walk-through, keeping it alive and creating opportunities for a personal connection with their festive neighbors.

Attendees were escorted on foot in small groups through the church annexes and rooms where members dressed in costumes made up the manger, wise men, and other scenes from the story of Jesus.

According to one member, “When it was cars driving through, we rarely made personal contact, but I’ve been able to talk to many people tonight. It has been much more relational.”

Brad Gienger, pastor explained, “Conversations with attendees showed us that we (our church) have been part of neighborhood family Christmas traditions for years! Repeat customers! That realization showed us that it’s time to connect relationally with those friends.”

Gienger concluded by saying, “From what we experienced this year we are reviewing the entire event; from the quality of production, to reach and connection to the community.”

Featured in Northern Lights, December 15, 2022

Back From The Ashes With A Win

Back From The Ashes With A Win 1200 675 Ken Miller

December 9- Redwood Academy celebrated the opening of its new gymnasium by hosting a basketball game. The former gym was burned along with the school during the Santa Rosa Tubbs fire in 2017.

According to Lisa Paulson, principal, “Redwood has so much to offer our community, excellent education, our food farm program, and now our gymnasium with events lined up one after another. We are so blessed and ecstatic to have it ready!”

Receiving their occupancy permit on December 6, they promptly had their first basketball practice on Wednesday in preparation for a game on Friday. And play they did! The 7th and 8th-grade boys battled back from a 12-point deficit to win their game against a local undefeated team.

According to Matthew Beehler, financial chair, and coach, “We were definitely the underdogs in this game, so winning 42 to 38 may have been sparked by being on our new home court.”

Paulson concluded, “It’s been an extraordinary week, the end of a long wait. Winning this game was a great way to inaugurate our shiny new home.”

<em>Featured in Northern Lights, December 15, 2022</em>

Momanga New Pastor At Tracy

Momanga New Pastor At Tracy 1200 675 Ken Miller

November 5- Lizeth Momanga was installed as pastor at the Tracy church.

Before “Pastor Liz” settled in Tracy, she circled the world as a guest speaker in places like Venezuela, Kenya, and the Philippines. She planted a church of 25 in rural Alaska and produced daily live devotionals for the local radio station.

She says her passion is to “demonstrate God’s saving grace and love to the world through the living and preaching of the gospel.”

Lizeth earned her Master of Divinity in 2022 from Andrews University and shares her life with her husband, Richard.

Featured in Northern Lights December 8, 2022

Scotts Valley Cantata Thrills Community

Scotts Valley Cantata Thrills Community 1200 623 nccsadmin

December 4- The Scott Valley church performed a Christmas Cantata titled Christmas Presence.

Over 100 attendees crowded the rural chapel. Bob Mason, district pastor said, “I am so pleased with our church’s community engagement. The sanctuary was packed with members and community attending and participating!”

Some of those attending included several Greek Orthodox nuns from a local convent. Mason continued, “I would say at least 80% of attendees were from other denominations, and many smiles, expressions of joy, and appreciation were heard during the program and the following reception. One blessed attendee said, “I enjoyed the Christmas Cantata last night! It was neat to see so many churches under your roof to worship God!”

Featured in Northern Lights December 8, 2022