• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Northern Lights

Connecting Through Simple Acts

Connecting Through Simple Acts 1200 656 nccsadmin

One of the ways the IMPACT Community Cares Group engages their call to ministry is by doing yard work and household chores to connect with their neighbors.

Matt Mattzela, pastor of the Novato Sonoma district says, “We have been working at a neighbor’s yard for a few weeks now, and from that we received a call from her friend. A week later, we started work and getting to know this new friend.”

Mattzela continues, “We are not professional gardeners, we are simply extra helping hands for our neighbors. In this way we’re making ourselves relevant to our community.”

Featured in Northern Lights • June 16, 2022

Kids Are a Smart Investment

Kids Are a Smart Investment 541 304 nccsadmin

For the 21/22 school-year compassionate givers funded one month of tuition for 218 new beginners in our schools.

Many of these new beginners, like Katie, are now heading into first grade.

As Katie explains, “I love God and want to be Jesus’ disciple and I learn how to be a good one at my school. Of course, I will go back to school!”

After prayer, consider a $600 investment in children entering our Kindergartens for the 22/23 school year.

Become a Compassionate Giver today!

Support the New Beginners Fund

Featured in Northern Lights • June 16, 2022

Chico Spanish and Live Oak Spanish Company Celebrate in Nature

Chico Spanish and Live Oak Spanish Company Celebrate in Nature 1200 675 nccsadmin

Recently, Chico and Live Oak Spanish churches came together with community members in fellowship at 5-Mile Recreation Park in Chico.

There they conducted church services in the midst of nature. Visitors and members enjoyed a beautiful service celebrating the wonders of God and connection.

Leandro Carralero, pastor of the Chico Spanish church said, “We must introduce ourselves more and more in the communities to be able to serve them better. Thank God for this special day!”

Featured in Northern Lights • June 9, 2022

Placerville Church Installs New Pastor

Placerville Church Installs New Pastor 1200 918 nccsadmin

After a year without a head pastor, the Placerville church welcomes Pastor Andrew Uyeyama, wife Andrea, and his two beautiful daughters Remi and Riley.

At the ceremony held on May 28, the church committed to connecting the community to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for his second coming.
Moreover, they are committed to being mission-driven and community relevant in their ministries. While personally, the congregation agreed to be passionate hard workers with a servant’s heart while being contagiously kind.
Interim pastor and assistant to the president, Ed Fargusson said, “Andrew is very creative and perfect for Placerville; his ministry to the congregation and community will be very successful.”
One member expressed, “Andrew will fit with this congregation perfectly. This appointment is an answer to prayer.”

Featured in Northern Lights • June 9, 2022

Leoni Meadows in the Home Stretch!

Leoni Meadows in the Home Stretch! 1200 1200 nccsadmin

Leoni Meadows director Craig Heinrich said, “I don’t know how to articulate how generous the members of the Northern California Conference have been towards our camp!”

This exclamation follows a call for volunteers last weekend to complete several back-breaking tasks. Over thirty helpers arrived on Sunday, many from Placerville, Camino, and Sacramento churches. Heinrich continued, “they assembled over seventy-five bunk beds and placed three-hundred new mattresses.

When asked what major tasks remained Heinrich said, “new carpet installation is coming soon as well as continued cleaning to prepare for the summer season.”

Featured in Northern Lights • May 19, 2022

Stomachs and Souls Fed

Stomachs and Souls Fed 1200 675 nccsadmin

“By this everyone will know that you are my disciples; if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

Early Thursday mornings, Victor and Chon go to their local food bank warehouse and purchase hundreds of pounds of food. They then load them in their hardy trucks and drive to the food bank of the Sonoma SDA church.

There, a team of dedicated and hardworking volunteers receive the goods and organize them into groups – vegetables, fruits, bread and buns, beans, grains, canned goods, toiletries, etc. before the local community people arrive.

Every week people in the community happily walk home with full bags to feed and support their families.

Matt Mattzela district pastor said, “This initiative has definitely been a tremendous blessing to local families, especially now with the rising cost of goods.”

To many, the food bank of the Sonoma church is one of the most-awaited blessings of the week. The IMPACT Community Cares Group works alongside the Food Bank team to serve the community.

Featured in Northern Lights • May 19, 2022

Building Fences to Tear Down Walls

Building Fences to Tear Down Walls 1200 621 nccsadmin

Students from Paradise Adventist Academy (PAA) recently engaged their call to service, providing manpower to several community projects.

Freshman Jake Chinnock said, “It was nice to get out of school for a day and know we were helping someone”.

Julie Ching, marketing director at PAA said, “students built a pasture fence, planted flowers, and other general yard work.”

At Feather River Adventist school, another group from the academy helped paint a mural that shares a happy floral scene with passing motorists.

According to sophomore Zohie Lonsberry, “the best part of the painting project was getting to connect with friends and the new little friends who helped us paint”.

Ching continued, “The outreach projects are required community service hours and make our schools more visible to the community. With every outreach project our children do, a servant’s heart is nurtured, and Christ is held up.”

Featured in Northern Lights • May 19, 2022

Women’s Ministries Active After COVID

Women’s Ministries Active After COVID 1200 675 nccsadmin

Various NCC Women’s Ministry leaders engaged their call to ministry by putting 1 Thessalonians 5:11 into practice: “Therefore encourage one another and build up each other, as indeed you are doing.”

According to Angela Fusilier, director of women’s ministries, this appeal in Thessalonians has been the forefront message in several recent events:

The Encuentro de Mujeres Cristianas at Golden Gate Academy. Through inspiring stories and seminars over three-hundred ladies connected and learned about resilience, and rebuilding their faith and life, trusting in God, regardless of vexing life events.

The Southgate Church Women’s Spiritual Retreat encouraged the fellowship of women from the Sacramento area churches. One attendee explained, “Through fellowship and prayer, I regained a sense of hope for the future.”

The Granite Bay Women’s ministry team sent birthday acknowledgments and hosted baby showers for the local church body.

This type of engagement has united the women along with continual prayer. Fusilier concluded, “Our Women’s Ministry events provided opportunities to study God’s Word and to support each other.”

Featured in Northern Lights • May 12, 2022

Paul Guevara Named New Director of Hispanic Ministries

Paul Guevara Named New Director of Hispanic Ministries 1200 1742 nccsadmin

Pastor Paul Guevara has faithfully served the church since starting his pastoral career in Nicaragua in 1989.

He then moved and became part of the New York conference for seven years before moving West to pastor the Oakland Spanish church in 2004. After six years in Oakland, he has been pastoring the Fairfield Suisun church.

Jim Lorenz, ministerial director explained, “Pastor Guevara has shown himself to be an excellent worker for Christ and a champion of Adventist education.” Marc Woodson, conference president stated, “Elder Guevara joins our team after eighteen years of NCC service. As a passionate hard worker, he will excel in furthering Christ’s love and work in the Hispanic community.”

Featured in Northern Lights • May 12, 2022