• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Northern Lights

Sacramento Slavic Hosts Campmeeting

Sacramento Slavic Hosts Campmeeting 1200 675 nccsadmin

The Sacramento Slavic church engages with its community by hosting a summer camping experience for members and friends.

Since 2012, the church has hosted youth camps every summer to connect friends and family from around the United States.

According to Roman Tsyganiuk, pastor of the Sacramento Slavic church, “This year, our camp had just over 140 people, and for the Sabbath service, another 50 people joined us.”

Tsyganiuk continued, “Thirteen people decided to make a covenant with God through baptism. It was an incredibly joyful event, and we are very grateful to God for these young hearts!”

Featured in Northern Lights • September 8, 2022


Feria de Salud Serves Napa

Feria de Salud Serves Napa 1200 675 nccsadmin

The Napa Spanish, a community-relevant and mission-driven church served their community on August 14 by hosting their second annual health fair.

This event was a very important collaboration with the St. Helena Hospital Foundation, Napa County Health Department, Open Doors, and Feeding it Forward.

The health fair focused on healthy living, cooking, and self-sufficiency for the local community. Additionally, enthusiastic youth delivered food to those who requested it.

According to Jose Diaz, pastor of Napa Spanish, “We had about 200 people attend our second health fair, and we thank all of our volunteers and all of the entities for their support of this important service.”

Featured in Northern Lights • September 8, 2022

Redwood Academy Rises From The Ashes

Redwood Academy Rises From The Ashes 1200 622 nccsadmin

Principal Lisa Bissell-Paulson is excited for the new school year at Redwood Academy, “We are so blessed to welcome back 90 Kindergarten through eighth-grade students and we expect more to arrive!”

The Redwood campus, a victim of the Tubbs wildfire in October 2017, has slowly progressed back towards normalcy since one of the most devastating fires in California history.

Although students still meet in temporary classrooms, one can start to see outlines of where the new classrooms and administration building will stand.

In a commanding location sits a shiny new gymnasium. Bissell-Paulson continued, “We’re so close to an occupancy permit for our brand-new gym! Complete with Basketball and Volleyball courts, it has a large commercial kitchen as well.

Bissell-Paulson exclaimed, “It will be such a welcome addition when open, and will connect our students, and families to our community through sports and events.”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 25, 2022

Mosquito Fire Burns Near Foresthill

Mosquito Fire Burns Near Foresthill 1140 855 nccsadmin

The Mosquito wildfire is burning in El Dorado and Placer counties near Foresthill, and Oxbow Reservoir. The town of Foresthill is under evacuation order. Stay up-to-date by visiting the CAL FIRE incident page.

Many church members have evacuated the area. Let’s keep them in our prayers. The NCC Disaster Response Team is in close contact with the church leaders on the ground and continues to monitor the situation.

Disaster relief funds will be deployed as needed.

Featured in Northern Lights • September 8, 2022

Leoni Meadows Season Wrap!

Leoni Meadows Season Wrap! 1200 675 nccsadmin

Craig Heinrich, camp director of Leoni Meadows looks back on a camp season once in jeopardy with an air of incredulity, “We had a phenomenal summer!”

He gushed, “Regardless of the intermittent problems like finding water pipes that the fire damaged, and a few sewer backups, we may have seen the best staff, volunteers, and campers ever!”

As you look out from the lodge, the fog bank-like wall of Douglas firs is gone. Yet, beauty has sprung up as ferns and undergrowth are quickly winning the war on grey ash and red soil. Heinrich continued, “God brought the Spring and Summer reminding us He can make all things new.”

Cowboy Camp was the most affected by the fire as it ripped through the barn, wagons, stables, and trails. It was the one camp that almost didn’t happen.

The weeklong “cowboys” bunked in temporary canvas bivouacs, an experience harkening back to visions of the wild west. “Cowgirl” Darci Miller, a first-time camper exclaimed, “I know we couldn’t make the famous long trail rides due to the burnt trees and blocked trails but being part of the camper rodeo was the best part of my week!

Heinrich spoke on behalf of the staff saying, “Thank you to all who donated time, funds, muscle, and skills to save the Leoni Meadows experience.”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 25, 2022

Miguel Verazas Ordained

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Miguel Verazas was ordained at the Pleasant Hill church on Sabbath, August 13.

Verazas said, “I am humbled by the grace and mercy that God has shown me in my spiritual journey. I am also extremely grateful for those who have mentored me along the way.”

Verazas has served the northern territory as a youth pastor since 2014, beginning at the Napa Community church, and since 2016 at Pleasant Hill. During his service at Pleasant Hill, he also earned a Master of Arts in Pastoral Ministry from Andrews University.

Miguel and wife Ashley have welcomed two beautiful children to their family: Annalise and Noah.

When asked, Verazas reflected, “My favorite part of ministry is giving Bible studies and preparing children of God to be baptized.”

North Bay Korean Group Becomes a Company

North Bay Korean Group Becomes a Company 1200 676 nccsadmin

On August 6 the North Bay Korean Group in Fairfield was organized as a church company.

Originally a home-based worship service under the guidance of retired pastor, Dewey Rhoe the small group grew quickly, and moved into a space at the Fairfield church in 2016.

The mission-hearted group engaged their call to ministry by joining a mission trip in Tanzania to provide medical help to about 1,000 patients. That same spirit of service continues at home with regular community health programs, cooking classes, and musical outreach.

Currently, with pastor Joseph Shon, the growing company’s commitment to service, guided by the Holy Spirit, is connecting people to an abundant life in Jesus Christ, and preparing them for His soon return.

According to James Lim, Asian Pacific coordinator, “It was a very meaningful milestone for this group to organize, serve, and grow to company status, even during the pandemic.”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 18, 2022

Yreka/McKinney Fire Update

Yreka/McKinney Fire Update 1200 1047 nccsadmin

“A Very Close Call”

In response to the McKinney Fire, NCC Disaster Relief Funds were distributed through district pastor Bob Mason to 31 members and those connected to the Yreka Church and School.

One member felt very blessed and grateful for this support. She was at her grandson’s home when the fire spread. She evacuated successfully not knowing if she had lost her home or business.

Upon returning, she learned two of her good friends died in the fire, her grandson lost everything, and the restaurant she had developed to help the local community was ashes.

She stated, “I cannot question what God’s purpose is for my life; but who am I to doubt the wisdom of my creator? I am so blessed that my home was spared, and I can take care of my family. This extra help from the church is such a blessing. It was an answer to prayer because I was not sure where the money was going to come from to pay for the generator gas. I am just so blessed!”

Laurie Trujillo, director of communication and development said, “Gifts to this fund and other funds like the New Beginner’s Fund provide significant help to people, and minister to their needs. Our compassionate givers make a difference and bring joy to others.”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 18, 2022

Korean Camp Meeting

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Over 900 people celebrated Korean Camp Meeting on the Pacific Union College campus. The first in-person gathering since the pandemic, joyful attendees rekindled friendships, family ties and worshipped Jesus.

According to James Lim, coordinator of Asian Pacific ministries, “The PUC Korean camp meeting serves our brothers and sisters not only from our northern territory, but the western half of the United States. We meet friends from Northern, and Southern California as well as many western states.”

The PUC camp meeting is one of two Korean events, with the other on the east coast. When asked his opinion how campers choose the PUC event over the East Coast Korean camp meeting Lim laughed and said, “It is a personal preference, hot and dry versus hot and humid.”

When discussing why camp meetings mean so much to us, Lim paused reflectively and said, “Because camp meeting is a foretaste of Heaven to come. Enveloped in a loving community praising the Lord Jesus Christ. It is what the Holy Spirit has built into our hearts.”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 11, 2022

Teachers Tackle Tasks

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Northern teachers met at Gracepoint church Monday morning for a conference-wide in-service.

According to Lodi Elementary principal, Lisa Nuss, “We have four new teachers this year at Lodi so quick team-building success and conference procedural help is very important.”

Education superintendent Albert Miller said, “Our territory is large geographically and spread out. We set up several of these gatherings every year to support our teachers, discuss important issues, and promote a flow of information going in both directions.”

The day’s activities include new employee orientation and many breakout sessions that offer continuing education credits.

One of three teachers in an eight grade school, Yreka kindergarten teacher Diona Lowery noted, “I was a walk-on teacher last year so these meetings are my crash-course in education management. I loved Keith Jacobson’s message at worship and God has blessed our fifty-student school. I can’t wait to see my little ones next week!”

Featured in Northern Lights • August 11, 2022