• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Northern Lights

Intentional Opportunities in Anderson

Intentional Opportunities in Anderson 1200 626 nccsadmin

It has been a year of spiritual and relational growth for the Anderson church, and they are preparing for what comes next.

One intentional opportunity involved a lively and excited group of Adventurer Club members, their parents, friends, and other supporters from the Anderson church participating in the annual parade and Christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown Anderson on a Sunday evening. This annual event has been the centerpiece of the holiday season in the city of Anderson for decades, and this year saw a near-record turnout.

The Adventurer Club children were featured on the main stage, where they beautifully and confidently sang several familiar Christmas carols. Perhaps the most exciting thing for the kids was riding in the parade on a beautiful light-covered float. The kids sang and waved as they rode the parade route along with many other floats and lighted cars. –More to come—

Featured in Northern Lights December 8, 2022

25 Countries In A Single Church

25 Countries In A Single Church 2000 1125 Ken Miller

Capitol City church did two community-relevant events in the span of two weeks:

First, they provided a cooling center for the community amidst a heatwave. Then on September 10, the church held its annual international day church service and potluck.

Members and guests representing twenty-five nations were dressed in colorful attire from their respective countries. The potluck dinner was akin to an international bizarre with ethnic foods from the Caribbean, Eastern and Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas.

According to one attendee, “I was blown away by the friendliness of the staff and all the diverse clothing of their home countries. The food was phenomenal, and I can’t wait for next year.”

Carol Herbert, mission council leader said, “This year’s international day was one of our best celebrations. We received so many compliments on how great everything was, from the program and the set-up to the food. Praise God!”

Featured in Northern Lights November 17, 2022

Oakland Ministries Gain New Building

Oakland Ministries Gain New Building 1911 993 Ken Miller

November 12- The C.O.R.E. (Community, Outreach, Resources, and Education) celebrated its grand opening at the Market Street church in Oakland.

The purpose of this facility is for ministry and service to the surrounding community.

At the opening ceremony Vanessa Russell, founder and executive director of Love Never Fails said, “I am looking forward to a continued partnership with the church through The C.O.R.E.” Adriana Preciado of Western Service Workers Association said, “I am excited about building more unity and solidarity amongst the people of Oakland.”

Other notable attendees included church members; Virgil Childs, Pacific Union Conference vice president for black ministries; and leaders of the Oakland community.

According to Theresa Patterson, director of The C.O.R.E at Market Street, “We are looking forward to working with our neighbors and agency partners to spread the love of Jesus Christ!”

Featured in Northern Lights November 17, 2022

A Call To Sore Arms… And Backs

A Call To Sore Arms… And Backs 2000 1125 Ken Miller

November 14- was the conference office’s quarterly community service day.

Most of the office staff, directors, and leadership met at Mahany Park in Roseville to help revitalize and beautify the park. The day had three main jobs: painting two equipment sheds, planting approximately twenty-five shrubs and flowers, and spreading 130 cubic yards of forest mulch in the flower beds.

According to Ken Miller site director, and assistant to the director of communication and development, “A 130-yard pile of mulch is equivalent to a full-sized Greyhound bus!”

Workers shoveled the ground cover into two-wheeled garden carts and moved material to flower beds around the two-acre parking lot.

By 2:30 pm, all the flowers were in the ground, the painting was done, and the mulch was distributed. Marc Woodson, president exclaimed, “I am so proud of our conference staff and their hard work today. They exhibited our core values of passionate hard work and a servant’s heart, and I saw many acts of kindness. Many hands indeed make light work.”

Denise Brummund, accountant clerk said, “I was so amazed at how much fun we had with each other and the amount of work we accomplished.”

Brian Castelluccio, Roseville Parks, Recreation & Libraries Superintendent wrote, “Your team jumped right in and I was blown away by how efficient they were. Mahany Regional Park looks refreshed, and we are already receiving great compliments. You have a great group of people working there.”

Featured in Northern Lights November 17, 2022

Acts Of Kindness

Acts Of Kindness 1908 993 Ken Miller

On October 7, students from Chico Oaks school served their community in unique ways.

Each class team chose an act of kindness for someone in their community.

The kindergarten class collected donations for the Butte Humane Society and delivered them to the animals. Students in first and second grade gave out flowers and appreciation letters around the neighborhood. Third and fourth graders picked up trash, and grades fifth to eighth cleaned up a local park and wrote letters to local veterans.

Principal Leslie Bartsch said, “These types of service opportunities set Adventist education apart from the rest. When academics and acts of service show love to our neighbors, we can foster an atmosphere of quality instruction and spiritual growth.”

Featured in Northern Lights November 10, 2022

Adventurers Go International

Adventurers Go International 1807 956 Ken Miller

Recently, 39 families from Adventurer clubs around the conference spent the weekend at Leoni Meadows.

Todo el Mundo en Su Mano Está – He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands was the theme for the Spanish language 2022 Adventurer Family Fun Weekend. Families worshipped God and engaged in activities teaching International Studies, the Olympics, and Country Fun; subjects that are part of the SDA Adventurer curriculum.

Barry van Iderstein director of children and family ministries said, “It was a huge blessing to host this annual event again after the pandemic derailed it.”

The English-language event which was postponed due to a power outage at Leoni Meadows will be rescheduled soon.

Featured in Northern Lights November 10, 2022

A Haul In Canned Goods

A Haul In Canned Goods 1954 1081 Ken Miller

The Pleasant Hill Pathfinder Club recently participated in an annual canned food drive.

According to Adan Martinez, area coordinator, “The pathfinders really enjoy going through the community collecting food, and the community looks forward to the pathfinders coming.”

Pathfinders canvased the local community knocking on doors. Many residents know of this annual event and had pre-packed boxes ready to go. Counselors and parents followed behind in vehicles to collect the donations.

The collected food was brought back to the church, sorted, and re-boxed. Pathfinders, parents, church members, and tiny tots all helped in the sorting process. The packages were then given to the Pleasant Hill Adventist Community Services.

The Pleasant Hill Pathfinder Club recently participated in an annual canned food drive. According to Adan Martinez, area coordinator, “The pathfinders really enjoy going through the community collecting food, and the community looks forward to the pathfinders coming.”

Pathfinders canvased the local community knocking on doors. Many residents know of this annual event and had pre-packed boxes ready to go. Counselors and parents followed behind in vehicles to collect the donations.

The collected food was brought back to the church, sorted, and re-boxed. Pathfinders, parents, church members, and tiny tots all helped in the sorting process. The packages were then given to the Pleasant Hill Adventist Community Services.

Featured in Northern Lights November 10, 2022

Leif Cano Ordained

Leif Cano Ordained 1200 621 nccsadmin

Leif Cano, the youth pastor at the Placerville church, was ordained on Sabbath, October 22.

An avid musician and energetic leader, Cano is a passionate, hard worker. According to Jim Lorenz, ministerial director, “One of the neat things about Leif are the kids he has impacted for Christ—turning their lives around and influencing them to attend Adventist schools, colleges, or universities.”

Cano said, “The youth of today are tired of religion but have a passion for helping others that needs to be nourished. Our ministry draws about 80% non-Adventists from public schools. We teach them about Jesus Christ, inviting the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.”

Leif and his wife Kenia have been married for nine years, and they have two children: Giovanni, 5, and Lyannah, 3.

Featured in Northern Lights November 3, 2022

Academy In The Mountains

Academy In The Mountains 1200 625 nccsadmin

By Rio Lindo Junior Kaia Miller

Almost 200 Junior and Senior academy students from Northern gathered at Leoni Meadows on the weekend of October 22 for an annual spiritual retreat.

Students enjoyed worship services, group discussions, and time outside in the beautiful Sierra Nevada mountains forming friendships and learning how to be community-relevant at their schools.

Rio Lindo Senior Isabella Wilmes said, “This weekend taught me much about who I am and how I best connect with God.” Lodi Academy Junior Madie Johnson shared a similar sentiment; she said, “The musical worship part of the event really made me feel the presence of God.”

Eddie Heinrich, director of youth ministries said, “The Junior Senior Retreat is a way to bring a personal relationship with Jesus into focus, nurturing contagiously kind students with a servant’s heart.”

Featured in Northern Lights November 3, 2022


A Journey That Began During The Pandemic

A Journey That Began During The Pandemic 1200 614 nccsadmin

October was a busy month at the Sacramento Spanish church. Twenty-eight people gave their lives to the Lord in baptism.

According to Jaime Calvo, district pastor of Sacramento Spanish, North Highlands Spanish, and Woodland Spanish churches, “There is one more person who wants to give his soul to the Lord, and we are excited for that day as well!”

Since the pandemic, the church has been preparing for this reaping moment. With an interconnecting system, Calvo calls EMI or Every Member Involved, which prepares the church membership for evangelism outreach.

The church created small groups, learned to give bible studies, and prayed. Calvo explains, “We created a network where members take responsibility for new members, creating a spiritual home that is contagiously kind and community-relevant.”

Calvo said, “It has been a privilege to work with church leaders and church members that have real compassion for people, showing that they have experienced the love of Christ. Through all of this, I have seen a real transformation in our church body, and it is wonderful to see the results.”

Featured in Northern Lights November 3, 2022