• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return


Pitch It and They Will Come

Pitch It and They Will Come 2000 1125 Ken Miller

2,300. That is correct. Two thousand three hundred visitors recently made the pilgrimage to Pleasant Hill church to experience a life-sized replica of the Mosaic temple.

People of all ages were treated to a life-size re-creation of Israel’s wilderness temple, complete with an outer court, altar, tent, temple furniture, and a replica of the Ark of the Covenant in the most holy place. Mitch Williams, pastor, explained, “Our goal was to have an attractive and thought-provoking event to create tangible leads for our ministry teams. We were very proactive with our invitations, heavily relying on social media, where we filmed and posted videos promoting the attraction. We even sent personal invitations to other churches and synagogues within a thirty-mile radius; we cast a big net.”

Visitors remarked that it was beautiful to see the actual size and scope of the Tabernacle.

Many guests returned comment cards requesting more information about the church’s ministries including, personal finance classes, Bible studies, cooking classes. Church members are calling each person interested in learning more about an abundant life in Jesus. Williams was very excited that a new student would be attending Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy because of this event.

Williams concluded, “This event was epic for gaining traction in such a busy community. We are so pleased with how many people were on our church grounds and the interactions we were able to have with them. God magnified the social media success and invitations and blessed our event. Now the real discipleship work begins.”

Featured in Northern Lights, August 24, 2023

Hope is Alive in Maui

Hope is Alive in Maui 2000 1125 Ken Miller

The tragedy on Maui has filled the news. Pictures and video of the 1800’s era town of Lahaina left us speechless and filled with a familiar sense of grief and dismay. However, God is always present, and this is reflected in the actions of the conference administrators, employees, and members.

As one of the NCC Disaster Response Team members and having worked through many disasters, Laurie Trujillo, director of communication and development, explains, “Disaster recovery falls into four phases. The first 24 to 48 hours are the most critical and the most difficult for disaster response teams because the information is limited. However, Hawaii Conference President, Erik VanDenburgh, was able to get cash and support to the shell-shocked victims immediately.”

The Hawaii Conference post reported that the Kahului church provides emergency shelter for over 40 displaced church members and community residents. In addition to shelter, they ensure people have essential supplies and nutritious meals in collaboration with other nonprofits. Mark Tamaleaa, ACS response team leader, reports, “The compassion and selflessness of the Kahului church members is extraordinary.”

VanDenburgh wrote, “We are dedicated to providing care and avenues for spiritual rejuvenation and moments of joy. As we navigate this challenging and uncertain time, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing compassionate, comprehensive support.”

NCC has contributed $25,000 to the Hawaii Conference to assist with the immediate, emergent, and long-term needs of members and those connected to churches and schools. Marc Woodson, NCC president, states, “We understand the pain, trauma, and challenges our sister conference in Hawaii is facing and the difficult road to recovery.”

The best way to help is by contributing to the Maui Fire Relief Fund. In the future, there may be opportunities to volunteer and donate items. Keep checking the Hawaii Conference Website and social media accounts for more information.

Featured in Northern Lights, August 17, 2023

499 Years of Wedded Bliss

499 Years of Wedded Bliss 3042 1767 Ken Miller

On Sabbath, August 5, the Camino Church Family honored eight couples celebrating 50 or more years of marriage. The worship service continued by inviting each couple to share their counsel and wisdom on having a successful life-long marriage which included:

Take one day at a time
Pull the ‘cart’ together
Make God your partner
Keep the eternal destination in mind
Promise to stick by one another
Experience life together
Keep forgiveness in the heart
Always be there for each other
Husbands… listen; don’t be thinking of a solution
Be life partners

Immediately following, some elders and deacons were invited to place their hand, containing a drop of olive oil, on each couple’s clasped hands while a prayer of thanks, commitment, and blessing was offered. It was noted that when all the years are combined, they equal 499 years of marriage!

PICTURED ARE (left to right): Gene & Bertie Larsen (73 years), Roswell & Betty Larsen (66 years), John & Linda Bethke (65 years), Howard & Marge Miller (64 years), Craig & Judy Klatt (63 years), Richard & Janet Moore (61 years), Jerry & Elayne Zappia (56 years), and David & Wanda Silva (51 years).

Featured in Northern Lights, August 17 , 2023

The Public Face of Our Ministries

The Public Face of Our Ministries 2002 1125 Ken Miller

Northern churches are busy this summer! This can be seen and read on their Facebook pages, websites, and other social media. As part of the NCC’s path to organizational health, a premium is being placed on our churches, schools, and ministries to use their social media tools.

Laurie Trujillo, director of communication and development, states, “Online tools such as websites, Facebook, and Instagram are essential communication tools for our churches. When it comes to reaching the community, our members are only the tip of the iceberg of who we can reach. With social media, we can tell the stories of our ministries, post sermons, and invite communities into our churches. It is the public face of our territory.”

A quick look around the social media accounts of several churches reveals a telling of those stories pictured above, such an essential part of modern ministry and community relevance.

The Auburn church reported holding its first VBS in fifteen years, stating it was a blessing to their volunteers and the 35 children that attended. Across the valley, Pleasant Hill church just finished a week of hosting “Messiah’s Mansion,” a life-size replica of the Mosaic tabernacle that features hosts in period costumes that explain the tabernacle service and its relevance. At LIFE church in Berkeley, they reported” inviting neighbors to help plan activities for “National Night Out,” a nationwide event that encourages and promotes police-community relationships, neighborly activities, and safety. Redwood Campmeeting is chronicling the steps that volunteers go through disassembling and packing away each summer.

All of these stories are testaments to a mission-minded territory. In some cases, these churches and ministries have 1,500 to 3,500 followers who can interact with each story. What a fantastic opportunity and tool to spread the gospel, tell your stories, and reach your online viewers, connecting them to an abundant life in Jesus Christ and preparing them for His soon return!

Featured in Northern Lights, August 10, 2023

Living With Cancer Creates A Mission

Living With Cancer Creates A Mission 2000 1125 Ken Miller

Pam Ramsey, a Roseville church member, shares her journey:

“In October of 2014, I went for my yearly mammogram. A few days later, I got a call from my doctor saying I had breast cancer. I had just retired from teaching a year before and was enjoying a good life with my children and grandchildren. It was a tough blow, and I was angry with God for letting this happen. If this meant that my life was ending, I would accept that. But this end was not what God had in store for me. Instead, He blessed me tremendously, opening a mission door to help others.”

Pam Ramsey is fulfilling acts of service with the Cancer, Care, and Compassion group. This team meets twice a month to evaluate how they can serve cancer patients more effectively. One of their projects is making care packages for cancer patients.

Ramsey stated, “We started making blankets and giving to friends and family battling cancer. But we wanted to do more. The team and I decided to make blessing bags filled with inspirational and comforting gifts. We took them to the infusion center in Auburn and another center in Roseville.”

The web of recipients has continued to grow through the group’s efforts. Through a chance meeting with a store manager who was wearing a cancer ribbon for his mother-in-law, to a cancer nurse navigator from Sutter who was thrilled to take 24 “blessing bags” for their children’s cancer center.

David Resendes, pastor, stated, “The group has received a stack of thank you letters for the bags they have given. This has become a very rewarding mission helping many different people. Jesus said that when we help others, we help Him. That is the goal of the Cancer, Care, and Compassion ministry. As Hebrews 6:10 states, ‘God is not unjust; He will not forget your work and the love you have shown Him as you have helped His people and continue to help them.’”

Featured in Northern Lights, August 10, 2023

Surfing Trip Creates Unity

Surfing Trip Creates Unity 2000 1125 Ken Miller

The Carmichael church has facilitated a mid-summer surfing trip to Santa Cruz for nearly ten years, open to youth and parents.

About sixty surfers, primarily beginners, some experienced, from several churches and schools, attended this year. Even a few recently graduated seniors, and college students made the trek. The surfing, setting, and friendships are a strong glue that makes this trip memorable.

Benji Ferguson, Carmichael church associate pastor, and trip leader, stated, “This trip is super fun and provides a great bonding experience for kids in the summer. Events like this are more than fun; they are important to pastors, teachers, and parents to help connect the church with our young people.”

This spiritual connection is not lost on Sacramento Academy senior ­­­Simon Tache who stated, “Beyond the surfing and hanging out with friends, this trip is time for me to disconnect and reflect on God, nature and find a personal peace.”

Garrison Chaffee, PUC church associate pastor, remarked, “It’s refreshing to worship amidst God’s nature at the beach. Because parents are also invited, it offers a really cool intergenerational experience. We pray these experiences will pay long-term dividends, keeping our students tied to Jesus and their church families.”

Sometimes, when the waves are not big enough or don’t come at all, you can see groups of friends on their boards, linked together and having fun in the ocean. They laugh, splash each other, toss seaweed around, and even pretend to catch waves. But when a great wave comes, ten to fifteen of them paddle hard to catch it, surf it, wipe out, and cheer each other on. One parent watched this all afternoon and commented, “Bonding.”

Chaffee summed up the trip, “I love when youth groups get together because it builds relationships and unity between the students and our churches. It creates meaningful memories that will resonate in each person’s life and hopefully keep them returning to church.”

Featured in Northern Lights, August 3, 2023

Chris Estay Installed at Vallejo Central

Chris Estay Installed at Vallejo Central 2048 1536 Ken Miller

July 1-Chris Estay was installed as the new pastor of Vallejo Central Church.

Estay is excited about his new church family. When asked how he eases into a new church position, he stated, “I’ve learned over time that I have 100 ideas in my head, which makes me want to rush. But with maturity, I’ve learned to slow down and assess a church’s culture by first serving and becoming friends with the members.”

Making those deeper connections, Estay states, “Creates unity when time is spent making friends and sharing. It reveals the members’ personalities, talents, and motivations, and identifies the church’s true heart.” He concluded, “I am very pleased to be at Vallejo. This is a very motivated church, and we will serve God and our community well together.”

Estay shares life with Erdal, his wife of 18 years. They are the proud parents of son Gabriel, age 9, and daughter Liana, age 6.

Featured in Northern Lights, August 3, 2023

Keith Jacobson Retires

Keith Jacobson Retires 765 634 Ken Miller

Keith Jacobson recently announced his retirement as pastor of the Carmichael church. He summed up his 45 years in ministry by saying, “It’s been a career of extraordinary experiences, people, and events that I could never have imagined.”

Jacobson has been a chaplain for Pacific Union College, pastored at Palo Cedro, and finished his career at Carmichael. Not raised in an Adventist home, he pondered, “How did one disconnected kid get to live so many diverse experiences? I was born to a military family and became a pastor; who would have guessed?”

Wherever he worked, Jacobsen remembers two constants: “I worked with incredible associates, youth pastors, lay workers, and members. But one person gets all my respect, my wife, Kari. She brings talents to the table that I don’t have. She’s done the bible studies, the programs, the ministry. And I benefitted from her work, spirituality, and magnetic personality. When I say I’m retiring, I mean that a team is retiring.

Jacobson does not hesitate when asked what retirement has in store. He stated, “There are some opportunities in the works,” but notes that it ‘won’t be far from ministry.’

Featured in Northern Lights, August 3, 2023

Pleasant Hill Mission Trip to the Philippines Results In Baptisms

Pleasant Hill Mission Trip to the Philippines Results In Baptisms 2002 1127 Ken Miller

July 4- Twenty-two youth and adults from Pleasant Hill and Oakland Grand Advent churches returned from a life-changing mission trip to the Philippines.

Working primarily at an SDA-run orphanage, they also participated in a community clothing drive that served over 300 local families. Other projects included teaching basic dental skills to 800 local elementary students and leading VBS for 100 or more children. Other projects included finishing the construction of a wall around the orphanage campus and painting.

Mission trips are usually known for being gritty, different, and often uncomfortable. Trip co-leader Bonnie Gottke reported, “This energetic group was met with cold showers, sleeping under mosquito nets, and nearly 100% humidity. Regardless of the unfamiliar climes and other challenges, the young workers started each morning with worship and gave 110% effort all day.”

Norma Rilveria, sponsor and trip nurse, added, “My heart was full when our young people shared their daily reflections at our morning and evening devotionals.” The service, interaction, and sharing of God’s love certainly were felt by the group. By the trip’s end, eight kids that were on the mission trip and three children from the orphanage were baptized.

When asked how this trip impacted her life, Pleasant Hill Junior Betsy Carmona reflected, “It helped me grow my relationship with Christ, and I learned how to love a community within days. Although languages can be a barrier to communication, showing God’s love is the best way to communicate.”

Featured in Northern Lights, July 27, 2023

Ft. Bragg-Willits-Covelo Members Create Unity With Area Churches To Serve Communities

Ft. Bragg-Willits-Covelo Members Create Unity With Area Churches To Serve Communities 2002 1127 Ken Miller

Bordered by the Yuki Wilderness to the east, the Round Valley Off-Reservation Trust Land to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west, you’ll find the Covelo-Willits-Fort Bragg- district churches. Connected by a meandering highway that crosses Highway 101 in the middle, it’s a different California and a different pace of life.

In quieter towns, you might expect more traditional methods of outreach. But recently, members of the district invited non-Adventist churches to a social event that resulted in many friendships, personal and denominational. Through these new connections, church members could discuss beliefs and, more importantly, create unity to accomplish mission goals in their communities.

One outcome was the Covelo Church Vacation Bible School. This year, it took on a unique dimension, led by members, church leaders, and volunteers from several denominations. Regardless of affiliation, mission-minded adults acted, taught, and sang side by side, sharing their unique talents to present the promises of Jesus to children.

According to Edwin Berbasal, district pastor, “This inclusive approach furthered those friendships, not only creating more extensive participation but unity, and it was a powerful display of shared faith among the children and the broader community.

Through conversation, friendship, and shared goals, these connections have laid a foundation for future collaborations and continued work that will serve the district communities and prepare people for the soon coming of Jesus.

Featured in Northern Lights, July 27, 2023