• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return


Bible Donors Engage Their Calling to Ministry

Bible Donors Engage Their Calling to Ministry 480 360 Julie Lorenz
When last fall’s Glass Fire burned the main building at Foothills Adventist Elementary School, the students in grades 5-8 (pictured) lost their personal Bibles, which they used each day in class.
When told of their need, a compassionate donor made it possible for each of the 22 students to receive a new Bible of their choice. The children excitedly chose their Bibles online from the Adventist Book Center. Another donor gave funds for each Bible to be personalized with its owner’s name engraved on the cover.
The students were extremely grateful for the donors. “I can’t wait for my new Bible to come,” said Savanna.
“Thank you to the people who are paying for this!” Kolten agreed. “I cannot wait to read my new Bible. Thank you!” he said.
“Do you know Bible plus Heart equals Life?” wrote Fatimah. “Thank you for this gift.”