• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Community Services

Mulching Mission Movement

Mulching Mission Movement 2000 1125 Ken Miller

October 10- It was all hands on deck as the NCC administration offices locked the doors and workers descended on Maidu Park in Roseville for the annual community service day.

In 2022, workers spread sixty yards of forest mulch at another Roseville park. This year, 300 yards were piled around the new location. The contrast in job size raised a few eyebrows. Albert Miller, NCC superintendent of schools and project coordinator, looked across the park at the piles and drily stated, “Well, it ain’t gonna get done by itself.”

While the mulch group shoveled and raked the piles methodically, smaller teams painted perimeter gates bright yellow and refreshed red curb paint along driveways. Four baseball equipment shacks were painted grey and blue. By the end of the workday, finished painters joined in the mulch movement, and the team completed all the jobs.

Brian Casteluccio, Roseville Parks, Recreation and Libraries Superintendent, wrote, “I want to send a huge kudos to your team. They did a great job! It was a very successful volunteer event. Your work is greatly appreciated by the City of Roseville and the community.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 26, 2023

Stockton’s Soapy Service

Stockton’s Soapy Service 1893 981 Ken Miller

September 24- The Stockton Central Church sponsored a community car wash put on by the church youth leaders.

David Peckham, lead pastor, explained, “This event was designed to engage with our neighborhood and as a fundraiser for the youth department. We did not charge a fee for each washed car but accepted donations, and many cars queued up for a scrub.”

The enthusiastic washers scurried around each car, quickly soaping, rinsing, and drying cars. While waiting, drivers could peruse a rummage sale in the gymnasium, hosted by the primary sabbath school parents and children.

Peckham continued, “One visitor who had his truck washed exclaimed that he was impressed by such a positive experience and how impressive it was to see youth working so hard. After his truck was dried, he left the site and returned later with a flat of bottled water as a gift for all the workers!”

One parent stated, “This was a unique opportunity to engage the community, for families to work together for a good cause, and mentor our youth to work with passion and a purpose.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 12, 2023

Willits Church Commits To Serving Unhoused

Willits Church Commits To Serving Unhoused 834 574 Ken Miller

Members of the Willits Church continuously show their servant’s hearts and passionate hard work, positively impacting their community.

Jeb Berbasal, district pastor, stated, “From a deep sense of duty and love for their neighbors, they have created ‘Serving with Compassion,’ an initiative to feed and serve unhoused persons in the area.”

The ministry team serves many people weekly, feeding, praying, and clothing with love and encouragement. Bersabal continued, “This outreach is also about manifesting faith through action. Serving others with compassion is a sacred duty that strengthens both the giver AND the receiver.”

Bersabal concluded, “The core of its mission is not just about the food; it’s about letting people know they are seen and valued as part of caring for them.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 5, 2023

Manteca and Local Area Churches Fix Teeth and Eyes

Manteca and Local Area Churches Fix Teeth and Eyes 2000 1125 Ken Miller

Thanks to a generous gift, the NCC Health Ministries Department can fund ten free medical and dental clinics in our territory. James Lim, director of Health Ministries, said, “These funds help participant churches to provide services that are free to the community.”

On August 20, Manteca Church members from both English and Spanish groups, plus many members from Lodi, Escalon, and Stockton churches, united in the early morning hours to serve the Manteca community, providing much-needed physical and spiritual care.

Dentists, eye-care professionals, church members, and businesses donated services, medical supplies, and volunteers for this effort. Attendees received free cleanings, extractions, fillings, and eye exams that included a free pair of glasses. One of the many persons served tearfully thanked the volunteers for fixing a bad tooth her husband had been suffering from.

The team credited the large turnout and numerous connections made at the event to the Holy Spirit’s response to their nightly online prayer meetings leading up to the event. The prayer team and pastors were available to serve and offer prayers and counseling to receptive people. Everyone was invited to upcoming evangelism meetings that are scheduled soon.

Featured in Northern Lights, September 28, 2023

Linda Terry Joins NCC Administration Staff

Linda Terry Joins NCC Administration Staff 2919 3679 Ken Miller

The NCC recently welcomed Linda Terry as the new administrative assistant for the ministerial and evangelism departments.

Terry has worked for Weimar University and Spectrum Magazine, as well as owned a building maintenance business with her husband, Ed.

“In my previous job, she explained, “I think God was working on me to be ready for something new. I was hesitant because I really enjoyed what I was doing and the people I worked with. I was told about the position and thought if this is what God wanted me to do, I would move forward. I’m very happy to serve Him in this office.”

Terry shares her life with Ed, her husband of 49 years and current NCC building supervisor. They have two grown sons, Monte and Jon, and two grandchildren.

Featured in Northern Lights, September 21, 2023

Hope is Alive in Maui

Hope is Alive in Maui 2000 1125 Ken Miller

The tragedy on Maui has filled the news. Pictures and video of the 1800’s era town of Lahaina left us speechless and filled with a familiar sense of grief and dismay. However, God is always present, and this is reflected in the actions of the conference administrators, employees, and members.

As one of the NCC Disaster Response Team members and having worked through many disasters, Laurie Trujillo, director of communication and development, explains, “Disaster recovery falls into four phases. The first 24 to 48 hours are the most critical and the most difficult for disaster response teams because the information is limited. However, Hawaii Conference President, Erik VanDenburgh, was able to get cash and support to the shell-shocked victims immediately.”

The Hawaii Conference post reported that the Kahului church provides emergency shelter for over 40 displaced church members and community residents. In addition to shelter, they ensure people have essential supplies and nutritious meals in collaboration with other nonprofits. Mark Tamaleaa, ACS response team leader, reports, “The compassion and selflessness of the Kahului church members is extraordinary.”

VanDenburgh wrote, “We are dedicated to providing care and avenues for spiritual rejuvenation and moments of joy. As we navigate this challenging and uncertain time, we remain steadfast in our commitment to providing compassionate, comprehensive support.”

NCC has contributed $25,000 to the Hawaii Conference to assist with the immediate, emergent, and long-term needs of members and those connected to churches and schools. Marc Woodson, NCC president, states, “We understand the pain, trauma, and challenges our sister conference in Hawaii is facing and the difficult road to recovery.”

The best way to help is by contributing to the Maui Fire Relief Fund. In the future, there may be opportunities to volunteer and donate items. Keep checking the Hawaii Conference Website and social media accounts for more information.

Featured in Northern Lights, August 17, 2023

The Public Face of Our Ministries

The Public Face of Our Ministries 2002 1125 Ken Miller

Northern churches are busy this summer! This can be seen and read on their Facebook pages, websites, and other social media. As part of the NCC’s path to organizational health, a premium is being placed on our churches, schools, and ministries to use their social media tools.

Laurie Trujillo, director of communication and development, states, “Online tools such as websites, Facebook, and Instagram are essential communication tools for our churches. When it comes to reaching the community, our members are only the tip of the iceberg of who we can reach. With social media, we can tell the stories of our ministries, post sermons, and invite communities into our churches. It is the public face of our territory.”

A quick look around the social media accounts of several churches reveals a telling of those stories pictured above, such an essential part of modern ministry and community relevance.

The Auburn church reported holding its first VBS in fifteen years, stating it was a blessing to their volunteers and the 35 children that attended. Across the valley, Pleasant Hill church just finished a week of hosting “Messiah’s Mansion,” a life-size replica of the Mosaic tabernacle that features hosts in period costumes that explain the tabernacle service and its relevance. At LIFE church in Berkeley, they reported” inviting neighbors to help plan activities for “National Night Out,” a nationwide event that encourages and promotes police-community relationships, neighborly activities, and safety. Redwood Campmeeting is chronicling the steps that volunteers go through disassembling and packing away each summer.

All of these stories are testaments to a mission-minded territory. In some cases, these churches and ministries have 1,500 to 3,500 followers who can interact with each story. What a fantastic opportunity and tool to spread the gospel, tell your stories, and reach your online viewers, connecting them to an abundant life in Jesus Christ and preparing them for His soon return!

Featured in Northern Lights, August 10, 2023

Ft. Bragg-Willits-Covelo Members Create Unity With Area Churches To Serve Communities

Ft. Bragg-Willits-Covelo Members Create Unity With Area Churches To Serve Communities 2002 1127 Ken Miller

Bordered by the Yuki Wilderness to the east, the Round Valley Off-Reservation Trust Land to the north, and the Pacific Ocean to the west, you’ll find the Covelo-Willits-Fort Bragg- district churches. Connected by a meandering highway that crosses Highway 101 in the middle, it’s a different California and a different pace of life.

In quieter towns, you might expect more traditional methods of outreach. But recently, members of the district invited non-Adventist churches to a social event that resulted in many friendships, personal and denominational. Through these new connections, church members could discuss beliefs and, more importantly, create unity to accomplish mission goals in their communities.

One outcome was the Covelo Church Vacation Bible School. This year, it took on a unique dimension, led by members, church leaders, and volunteers from several denominations. Regardless of affiliation, mission-minded adults acted, taught, and sang side by side, sharing their unique talents to present the promises of Jesus to children.

According to Edwin Berbasal, district pastor, “This inclusive approach furthered those friendships, not only creating more extensive participation but unity, and it was a powerful display of shared faith among the children and the broader community.

Through conversation, friendship, and shared goals, these connections have laid a foundation for future collaborations and continued work that will serve the district communities and prepare people for the soon coming of Jesus.

Featured in Northern Lights, July 27, 2023

Grassroots Evangelism Garners Baptisms

Grassroots Evangelism Garners Baptisms 2000 1125 Ken Miller

The Richmond Beacon Light church recently engaged its community by holding an evangelistic series titled The Better Bible Conference over four Sabbaths.

David Woolcock, pastor, stated, “We wanted to have a new kind of evangelism program. The days started with a continental breakfast, followed by back-to-back bible studies in the morning. The schedule was created to ensure flexibility in attendance, so everyone could participate without any difficulty. Then a delicious lunch was served to keep the congregation fueled for the afternoon.”

In the afternoon session, practical ministry topics beneficial to everyone were planned. These included talks on plant-based diets and healthy eating habits, coping with trauma, and godly child-rearing.

On the last day of the series, two semi-truck loads of household items provided by the Stockton Mayfair Church were distributed to attendees and the community. Woolcock exclaimed, “There was so much good stuff I didn’t think we would give it all away! The items will go far in making families of the area a bit more equipped.”

Woolcock concluded with an inspirational outlook, “The number one lesson we learned is, don’t underestimate the local church and their abilities. Dip your foot in the water, and God will care for the rest.”

So far, six baptisms have resulted from this series, and Woolcock expects four more to come as a result.

Featured in Northern Lights, July 20, 2023

Stewardship Leads to Service, Leads to Disciples

Stewardship Leads to Service, Leads to Disciples 1926 1012 Ken Miller

By Susie Kim

A planned giving donation(see Ministries Move With Planned Giving Gift) has made it possible to fund various projects in our territory. Each project proposal was submitted by ministry directors and reviewed for merit and adherence to the overall mission and objectives of the Northern California Conference.

Utilizing funds from this program, the Open Door church, the English-speaking group of Sacramento Korean, recently organized a dental clinic
in concert with Life and Health Network, an ASI health ministry based in the NCC.

One church member reported, “We bathed this event with prayer
for two weeks. Then with only six days of targeted advertising via Facebook and knocking on doors in the nearby neighborhood, God sent us the patients needed for the dental clinic.”

Seventy-six patients were given teeth cleanings, fillings, and tooth extractions by ten volunteer dentists from Open Door and other churches, who gave up their Sunday to be the hands of Jesus.

Danny Kwon, Director of Life and Health, stated, “We helped many people today and made some wonderful contacts for our upcoming Bible study series titled, “Sidewalk Evangelism.”

Featured in Northern Lights, July 13, 2023