• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Chicken or Egg? How About Both?

Chicken or Egg? How About Both?

Chicken or Egg? How About Both? 2029 1125 Ken Miller

This year, Foothills Elementary Kindergarten through 2nd grade students had the opportunity to witness something unique: Chicks hatching! Thanks to a generous donation of chickens, the school decided to take full advantage of the situation and lead a deep dive into chicken development stages and the identification of the breeds that they received.

Tammy Priest, the teacher responsible for the project, was thrilled with the results. With their teachers’ guidance and supervision, the students could watch as seventeen new chicks hatched and grew right before their eyes. The students fed the chicks, ensured they received the proper nutrients and kept them safe and comfortable in their classrooms.

Through this unique and hands-on experience, the students gained a newfound appreciation for the wonder of nature and the miracle of life. They witnessed these tiny creatures’ growth stages firsthand and developed observation, record-keeping, and teamwork skills.

Priest concluded, “Overall, this project was a huge success and a wonderful learning opportunity for the students and the teachers involved. It shows that sometimes the best learning experiences are the most unexpected.”

Featured in Northern Lights, May 9, 2024