• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return


Socorro Renteria Joins NCC Offices

Socorro Renteria Joins NCC Offices 1097 1644 Ken Miller

The NCC welcomes Socorro Renteria to its administrative offices.

Renteria is an assistant treasurer and describes her church work as an act of ministry. As a professional bookkeeper, she has worked for a Ford dealership, a money management firm, and several restaurants.

But her journey to Christ was a defining moment. “After 9/11, I was shocked and questioned many of my beliefs. I grew up Catholic and had experience as a Jehovah’s Witness. My assistant manager at the time invited me to his SDA church, to which I told him, ‘leave your religion at home.’ His response was to leave his religion at home and bring Jesus to work.”

Finally taking her boss’ invitation and reflecting on her first experience in an Adventist church, she stated, “My interest was piqued by married couples that had been together for ‘so long.’ Being from a broken home, this was very appealing, and I wanted what they had.”

Socorro and her husband Francisco, who became an Adventist shortly after her, moved to Wildwood Center for Health Evangelism in Georgia. While she trained for medical ministry, her husband, already a professional cook, worked at the local Country Life Restaurant. Through the years, a circuitous route of jobs and ministry eventually found them back in California and now at the NCC.

Her words to live by: “Christians are built for service. Service to our employers as well as our neighbors.”

Featured in Northern Lights, March 30, 2023


THANK YOU 2000 1125 Ken Miller

Spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ is the most critical task anyone could ever do on this earth, and we are all called to do it equally.

We could not be more grateful to all our members who returned $47.6 million in tithe in 2022. These gifts have funded the ministry in Northern and have helped connect people to an abundant life in Jesus and prepare them for His soon return.

In 2022, there were 682 precious souls who gave their lives to the Lord through baptism, and 119 joined through Professions of Faith:

·       11% of these were children 13 and under

·       17% were teens from 14-17

·       10% were young adults 18 to 29

·       25% were Adults 30-59

·       12% were seniors aged 60+

·       25% were unknown

Additionally, in 2017 only 19% of our churches were growing. In 2022, the number of growing churches increased to 39 percent.

Thank you so much for your faithful and compassionate giving!

Featured in Northern Lights, March 16, 2023

NCC Funds Relief For Earthquake Victims

NCC Funds Relief For Earthquake Victims 1912 999 Ken Miller

Serving the international community has always been an essential concern of members and churches of our territory.

The massive earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye and northwestern Syria on February 6 impacted a 310-mile-wide area populated by nearly 14 million people.

Our conference contributed $10,000 to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in response to the extreme humanitarian need. These funds helped distribute food, water, clothing, and essential supplies, sheltered displaced families, and implemented water and sanitation solutions.

Zoltan Sitkei, ADRA country director for Hungary and search and rescue technician/paramedic, stated. “We rescued six people, including two children. It took us 14 hours to save a lady, who was found by our team. It was very difficult to get her out. We worked with the Turkish fire brigade. But finally, we found a solution and got her out,”

Featured in Northern Lights, March 9, 2023