• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Adventist Community Services

Conference Advance Offering- What Does it Mean?

Conference Advance Offering- What Does it Mean? 1200 675 Ken Miller

The name of this offering category is confusing and lacks a definition. To be transparent and good stewards of your gifts, the purpose is to spread the gospel in our territory.

When you give, with the power of the Holy Spirit, the ministries supported can better connect people to an abundant life in Jesus and prepare them for the Second Coming.

Moreover, Conference Advance gives you the opportunity to support various ministries with one gift.

This week’s offering will support the following five ministries:

  1. Leoni Meadows receives 85% to support camp operations.
  2. With its various projects, Urban Ministries (6%) is making a positive impact and connecting people to Christ with the power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. Education (3%) teaches our youngest members and non-members and sets them up to experience abundant life in Jesus.
  4. Our Church Growth and Evangelism Department (3%) is increasing the number of people exposed to the Gospel truth and attracted to our churches and schools.
  5. The Native American Ministry (3%) is busy serving and reaching this unique population with various projects.

You can return your offering by clicking here, or you can give directly at the offering call on Sabbath.

Featured in Northern Lights, April 20, 2023

Journeys Of Pain, Joy, Service, and Excellence- Our Ten Women Pastors

Journeys Of Pain, Joy, Service, and Excellence- Our Ten Women Pastors 2062 1125 Ken Miller

By Laurie Trujillo

These ten women are making history and playing a vital role in connecting people to an abundant life in Jesus and preparing them for the Second Coming. We wish to recognize and celebrate their critical role in the Northern California Conference serving as pastors or ordained ministers. Sonia Cartwright is in the process of earning her Master of Divinity from Andrews University.

What is your favorite Bible verse?

They come from all walks of life but share a common and inspirational journey that centers on God. They shared some of their journey with us, opening my eyes to what it takes to be a female pastor. Here are some excerpts:

“What I strive for in life and ministry is stated in 1 John 4:12-13, ‘No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us, and his love is made complete in us. This is how we know that we live in him and he in us: He has given us of his Spirit.'”

“I love Philippians 4:6-7, Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’ God has often used this to quiet my heart when things are tense. It reminds me that God hears and cares for me and that His peace transcends understanding.'”

“Proverbs 3:5-6, ‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.’ This is the formula to success in life, and it provides the answer when you don’t know what to do.”

What was your journey like? What challenges did you overcome?

One pastor stated, “All the pastors I knew were male, and I did not initially think women could be pastors. I did not question the system. I simply accepted it.” Although this pastor felt a call to serve and was given the talent to minister, it took a person she respected and admired to nudge her into her calling.

Another recalled, “I remember God extending the invitation to serve my sophomore year in college, but it took me years to answer the call.” She had to escape her “selfish perspective of thinking that I had to be perfect to be a pastor.”

Not only did these pastors have to overcome personal challenges, but they also had to face public pressure not to answer the call. They were bullied, called names, and laughed at when people found out they wanted to be a pastor.

One of our pastors explains the experience well, “It was hard getting past some of the comments people made discouraging me as a woman going into ministry. Ultimately, I had to look to Jesus and stay focused on him. Jesus is the One that has kept me standing in ministry.”

What is different about being a female pastor/leader vs. a male pastor/leader? Advantages? Disadvantages?

One pastor clearly explains, “There are, unfortunately, many issues that come up. In addition to the struggles of maintaining a successful mentor relationship with male colleagues, I have been stalked and told that specific dress colors make it difficult to look at me while preaching.”

Another pastor wrote, “I think being a female pastor is difficult because many leadership skills needed are considered ‘not feminine.’ For example, some members are uncomfortable with my decisions because they feel they are not lady-like.”

However, our women pastors feel the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. One pastor wrote, “In my experience, I can meet with women my male colleagues feel uncomfortable with.” Another describes, “There are church members who feel more comfortable opening up to a woman than a man, and so I hear stories that would have never been told otherwise.”

All our pastors agree that they get an overwhelming sense of joy when a person connects to Jesus and begins living an abundant life. They enjoy walking alongside individuals and families, learning their stories, and ministering to their needs.

If a young girl wants to be a pastor and leader in ministry, what advice would you give her?

“The same advice I received, ‘If there is anything else you want to do…do that.’ You won’t make it if you don’t believe you are called to minister. If you answer the call, practice self-care and connect with a mentor. Learn to lovingly say no, invest in your friends and family, and keep up with your hobbies, exercise, and take vacations!”

“Fully surrender your heart to God first. Let God hold and protect it. Your heart will break if God isn’t your priority in the tough moments that will surely come. Likewise, your heart will get prideful in the good moments if you aren’t focused on God.”

“As a woman going into ministry, I would double down on your identity in Christ. We, as women, struggle with our identity. As a blossoming leader, many people will try to shape you into what they think a woman leader should be. But when you are fully aware of who you are, in Christ, you can embrace your calling and not be swayed by other people’s thoughts and opinions.”

“Learn to recognize God’s voice. Remember, God is with you always and has a purpose for you. You are a daughter of God first and foremost, and never lose that dignity.”

Wrap Up

Women pastors have made history and continue to shape our story in the Northern California Conference. They have been called into ministry, and God has gone out before them. God has broken down obstacles so that they can be more effective in spreading the gospel. Their gender is an asset to connect with those who perhaps would have gone untouched. And their journey is inspiring.

Let’s celebrate all our pastors, especially recognizing and appreciating those women God calls to serve and lead!

Featured in Northern Lights, April 13, 2023

Storm Cannot Thwart Church Ministry

Storm Cannot Thwart Church Ministry 1936 1013 Ken Miller

By Ariana Rayburn

On February 24th and 26th, the Fortuna, Eureka, and McKinleyville churches engaged their call to ministry by hosting a free medical, dental, and vision clinic.

Snow fell steadily at the Fortuna ACS, making travel impossible for some. Conditions thwarted plans to offer vision services, but an energetic team of volunteers were ready for the 150 patients, some arriving long before the start time.

Volunteers organized the 2-day event with the NCC Health Ministries, which has contracted with the Life & Health Network (LHN).

LHN provided dental equipment and supplies for the clinic. One volunteer stated, “An event of this kind was new in our community and much greater than could be met.” The clinic had reached the capacity of dental patients before 10 AM.

Around the campus, pastoral staff provided childcare, made lunches for the volunteers, and even ran a food preparation class to control diabetes. Other services included orthopedic consults and lab services.

Dr. Reuben Brinkhaus, a volunteer, stated, “This event showed us how the need for care is so close. These are our neighbors. Everybody was blessed, volunteers and patients, and I hope we can find a way to do this regularly.”

Featured in Northern Lights, March 23, 2023

NCC Funds Relief For Earthquake Victims

NCC Funds Relief For Earthquake Victims 1912 999 Ken Miller

Serving the international community has always been an essential concern of members and churches of our territory.

The massive earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye and northwestern Syria on February 6 impacted a 310-mile-wide area populated by nearly 14 million people.

Our conference contributed $10,000 to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in response to the extreme humanitarian need. These funds helped distribute food, water, clothing, and essential supplies, sheltered displaced families, and implemented water and sanitation solutions.

Zoltan Sitkei, ADRA country director for Hungary and search and rescue technician/paramedic, stated. “We rescued six people, including two children. It took us 14 hours to save a lady, who was found by our team. It was very difficult to get her out. We worked with the Turkish fire brigade. But finally, we found a solution and got her out,”

Featured in Northern Lights, March 9, 2023

Oakland Ministries Gain New Building

Oakland Ministries Gain New Building 1911 993 Ken Miller

November 12- The C.O.R.E. (Community, Outreach, Resources, and Education) celebrated its grand opening at the Market Street church in Oakland.

The purpose of this facility is for ministry and service to the surrounding community.

At the opening ceremony Vanessa Russell, founder and executive director of Love Never Fails said, “I am looking forward to a continued partnership with the church through The C.O.R.E.” Adriana Preciado of Western Service Workers Association said, “I am excited about building more unity and solidarity amongst the people of Oakland.”

Other notable attendees included church members; Virgil Childs, Pacific Union Conference vice president for black ministries; and leaders of the Oakland community.

According to Theresa Patterson, director of The C.O.R.E at Market Street, “We are looking forward to working with our neighbors and agency partners to spread the love of Jesus Christ!”

Featured in Northern Lights November 17, 2022

A Haul In Canned Goods

A Haul In Canned Goods 1954 1081 Ken Miller

The Pleasant Hill Pathfinder Club recently participated in an annual canned food drive.

According to Adan Martinez, area coordinator, “The pathfinders really enjoy going through the community collecting food, and the community looks forward to the pathfinders coming.”

Pathfinders canvased the local community knocking on doors. Many residents know of this annual event and had pre-packed boxes ready to go. Counselors and parents followed behind in vehicles to collect the donations.

The collected food was brought back to the church, sorted, and re-boxed. Pathfinders, parents, church members, and tiny tots all helped in the sorting process. The packages were then given to the Pleasant Hill Adventist Community Services.

The Pleasant Hill Pathfinder Club recently participated in an annual canned food drive. According to Adan Martinez, area coordinator, “The pathfinders really enjoy going through the community collecting food, and the community looks forward to the pathfinders coming.”

Pathfinders canvased the local community knocking on doors. Many residents know of this annual event and had pre-packed boxes ready to go. Counselors and parents followed behind in vehicles to collect the donations.

The collected food was brought back to the church, sorted, and re-boxed. Pathfinders, parents, church members, and tiny tots all helped in the sorting process. The packages were then given to the Pleasant Hill Adventist Community Services.

Featured in Northern Lights November 10, 2022

Deer Park ACS Back From The Ashes

Deer Park ACS Back From The Ashes 1200 675 nccsadmin

On a cloudy, cool Napa Valley morning, the newly rebuilt ACS Center in Deer Park opened its doors just 4 months after final plans were approved.

“Because of the new Napa County building codes, it looked like the Center would not be allowed to be rebuilt,” stated Vincent Saunders, the newly installed head pastor at The Haven church.

“Because of its historical significance and important role in the community,” stated Diane Dillion, Napa County Supervisor, at the ribbon cutting ceremony on October 16, “We needed this center back in the community. I am pleased the doors are now open!”

Over 100 people gathered on opening day. Susy Ermshar, a long-time community resident said, “I am so thrilled to have the center back! It serves many in the community and is a blessing to all of us.”

Saunders continued, “I have watched the center emerge from the ashes and the hand of God working to restore this ministry.”

Marc Woodson, president, stated at the ceremony, “This ministry is the hands and feet of Jesus and, in its unique way, connects people to Christ.”

Featured in Northern Lights • October 27, 2022