• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

We provide support, training, and resources for local church Adventurer Clubs, organized for families with children ages 4-9.

About Us

Adventurers Ministries provides support, training, and resources for local church Adventurer clubs, which are organized for families with children ages 4-9. Additionally, we sponsor and organize three conference-wide club events each year–a Family Fun Weekend and Bike Derby in the fall, and a Fun Day in the spring.


2024-2025 Bike Derby – Sunday, April 13, 2025 from 10:am to 2:00pm at Safetyville, 3909 Bradshaw Road, Rancho Cordova. Here are some important things to know:

  1. This year the event will take place at Safetyville USA, 3909 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95827
  2. This year’s event is NOT like previous events. We will NOT be riding laps and counting laps. This year is about safety and riding in a ‘city.’ Safetyville is a miniature city for kids, with painted lanes, stop signs, traffic lights, kid-sized buildings, and even traffic cops writing tickets!
  3. Clubs may sell food as a fundraiser if they pre-register with me in advance.
    1. No electric outlets available – you must be self-sufficient
    2. No tables available – you will have to bring your own
    3. No kitchen or sink available – you’ll need to be in ‘rustic camping’ mode
  4. The event runs from 10am to 2pm, but it is not required to arrive at 10am or stay until 2pm. It’s an open house, and you can come and go when you want.
  5. SUPER IMPORTANT – The bathroom building is located outside the gates with direct access to Bradshaw Road. It is CRITICAL that adults accompany their children to the bathroom, as kids could wander out to the busy road if unsupervised.
  6. Parking is on a well-hidden dirt lot at the back of Safetyville. We are NOT entering through the main entrance close to Bradshaw. Driving from Hwy 50, you’ll go down Bradshaw, make a U-turn at Goethe Road, and then turn right into the first driveway. Cross the paved parking lot and park in the DIRT parking lot. The back entrance at the back of the dirt lot is where our food booths will be and where you will enter/exit.
  7. CHILDREN RIDERS ONLY WHO ARE MEMBERS OF ADVENTURERS! No adult riders except Adventurer ‘policemen.’
  8. ALL CHILDREN MUST BE WEARING A HELMET TO RIDE. No helmet? Leave and go to a store to buy one. There are Target and WalMart stores within 10 minutes.
  9. Parents should bring lawn chairs to sit somewhere ‘in town’ to watch.
  10. Bring appropriate jackets and/or sunblock. We have no idea what the weather will bring that day.
PLEASE help your club to prepare adequately by giving all parents these instructions and making sure your families know what to expect.
April 2025
October 2025
November 2025
No event found!


Barry van Iderstein

(916) 886-5630

Barry moved to the Children and Family Ministries & Adventurers Department in early 2022. Prior to this, he was serving in the NCC Education Department for 16 years. He holds teaching credentials in Elementary Education as well as Secondary Spanish. He loves to teach all grade levels, and he has been serving in Adventurers with his own children. He is the father of four sons and one daughter and is married to Joana, who also works for the Northern California Conference.

News from NCC Adventurer Ministries