• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Social Media is a Ministry Tool

Social Media is a Ministry Tool

Social Media is a Ministry Tool 1292 722 Ken Miller

Utilizing social media is one of the least expensive and broad-reaching methods to increase awareness for your church, school, or ministry. By practicing these three helpful hints, you can increase awareness and a buzz for your event.

Quality: First and foremost, create good content. Social media is just that: social. Create an interesting story with engaging visual imagery to draw your audience in. This encourages interaction from the viewer and interest in your event.

Member participation: Actively encourage every church member to leave comments, post pictures, and forward event links to friends and relatives.

Facebook advertising: This inexpensive service is an easy way to grow interest in your event in the surrounding community. You can choose the area where it will be seen, and the number of people you want it to reach.

Helpful hints: The NCC Communication Department is always available for help. We can help you determine the best strategy for your church, school.

You can contact us directly by email or join our Facebook community.

Featured in Northern Lights, September 5, 2024