• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Back to School Joy and Excitement!

Back to School Joy and Excitement!

Back to School Joy and Excitement! 4000 2250 Ken Miller

The wheels of NCC education are spinning again, accelerating into a new year filled with hope.

As classes kick off, the excitement is tangible. Principals and teachers have met, aligning on the latest policies and embracing the mission ahead. Students are joyfully reacquainting with friends, getting used to new classrooms, and diving into their subjects.

Our Adventist schools uniquely blend academics with spiritual growth, fostering strong moral character and a deep personal relationship with God. Albert Miller, Superintendent, explained, “With high academic standards and small class sizes, our schools create a supportive environment that prepares students for life and eternity.”

As a result, many of our schools are reporting increases in enrollment. Rio Lindo Academy is welcoming about 40 new students, Pine Hills is increasing by 14, and El Dorado is reporting over 12 new beaming faces.

The contagious enthusiasm among educators and students is setting the stage for a year of growth, learning, and lasting memories. Let’s keep all our schools, students, and educators in our prayers.

Featured in Northern Lights, September 5, 2024