
Thinking Well, Living Well is a series of ten seminars about mental health will help Christians openly and compassionately talk about this subject. Many members in the church suffer silently, live in pain and shame, and sometimes leave the church because they feel God has forsaken them. The time has come for the church to become educated and recognize when members need help.

Heart Call is an exciting resource for women who want to reach other women who are taking a break from church. Intended for local congregations, conferences and union conferences to use, the package includes: Watch a video about Heart Call. See below to get a free copy of the Heart Call guide.

North American Division Women’s Ministries has many wonderful FREE resources, including Women’s Ministries Handbook in English and Spanish, 60 Great Ideas for Women’s Ministries in the Local Church, Women’s Ministries: What It Is … and What It Isn’t, Heart Call guide, and “gorgeous2God” postcards. Find the order form on the website.

Find information and materials about the abuse prevention program enditnow.

- GIGI (Gorgeous in God’s Image) Magazine is an Adventist publication for teenage girls and young women.
- Little Miss GIGI is a magazine for girls, ages 6-11.
- Forever Woman is a magazine from GIGI for adult women.

A Princess Tea is a great ministry event planned for girls under 12 where they not only get to pretend to be a princess and dress up and enjoy an afternoon tea—all fun things for little girls—but are reminded that they really ARE princesses because God calls them His princesses.

North American Division
Bible Studies
Women in the Bible

North American Division
Bible Studies
Surprised by Love

North American Division
Bible Studies
Journey of Joy