About Risk Management
What is Risk Management?
Risk Management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities.
To understand this better, let’s look at a great example: “Only You Can Prevent Wildfires.” This campaign promotes awareness and prevention, which started and is ongoing to keep forests, lives, and assets safe. A simple message but powerful result.
Liability claims draw resources away from vital programs and disrupt lives, causing personal turmoil and strife that distract from our primary Gospel mission. With effective risk management, we will have fewer liability claims, fewer disgruntled employees, fewer accidents and deaths and fewer property losses, all of which amounts to more time, attention and money available to be devoted to evangelism.
Explore our site. You will find many useful tools and resources to help you to effectively manage the risks associated with your ministry. If you have specific questions about insurance, safety programs or risk management, please give us a call or e-mail.
Check out the fall edition of the NCC Risk Management newsletter!