• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Intentional Opportunities in Anderson

Intentional Opportunities in Anderson

Intentional Opportunities in Anderson 1200 626 nccsadmin

It has been a year of spiritual and relational growth for the Anderson church, and they are preparing for what comes next.

One intentional opportunity involved a lively and excited group of Adventurer Club members, their parents, friends, and other supporters from the Anderson church participating in the annual parade and Christmas tree lighting ceremony in downtown Anderson on a Sunday evening. This annual event has been the centerpiece of the holiday season in the city of Anderson for decades, and this year saw a near-record turnout.

The Adventurer Club children were featured on the main stage, where they beautifully and confidently sang several familiar Christmas carols. Perhaps the most exciting thing for the kids was riding in the parade on a beautiful light-covered float. The kids sang and waved as they rode the parade route along with many other floats and lighted cars. –More to come—

Featured in Northern Lights December 8, 2022