NCC Gold Church Safety Award
Any church who has received this seal and award, you can rest assured demonstrates excelling and above-and-beyond standards of safety. This church is the crème de la crème, model for church safety. This church not only fulfills the requirements for the church safety award but demonstrates an ongoing consistency in preemptive approach to safety excellence, going beyond the normal call of duty.
This is awarded on an annual basis after year-end. The NCC Safety Committee will then meet to discuss nominees for this award. Winners will receive a nice plaque that can be put in the lobby, along with a monetary award, along with absolutely free driver checks through Sterling Volunteers for the current year, all along with a seal that can be put on the website and media just like with the church safety award. And furthermore, with these accolades, the winners will be announced in the PUC Recorder, NCC Northern Lights, and NCC Risk Mangement’s quarterly newsletter.
Churches – How to Apply:
Along with emailing the info for the church safety award, please attach a description as to why your church merits receiving this award. What “extra-curricular” activities in safety does your church perform? In which ways does your church go above-and-beyond the call of duty to make sure your church is the safest possible?

Lodi-Fairmont SDA Church wins 2019 Gold Safety Award!
In appreciation for Lodi-Fairmont’s ongoing and above-and-beyond excellence in safety, Pr. Tracy Baerg was presented at the annual pastor’s retreat at Leoni with the 2019 NCC Gold Church Safety Award! Fred Schmidt heads out as safety officer and has helped shape the church’s attention-to-safety to exemplary status. Congratulations!