Conference-provided Email
Our email follows the following template: firstname.lastname@nccsda.com – As an employee of the NCC, you have a conference email. Please be on the lookout for an email from our IT department to your personal email with instructions for logging into your NCC account. If you have any issues or questions, please email it@nccsda.com. All communication from HR will be sent directly to your NCC email account moving forward.
Employee Handbook
Click here to download a current copy of our employee handbook: https://indd.adobe.com/view/7c22229b-4f88-4e2f-91ef-9201c983d640
Please review the book and sign the Confirmation of Receipt and send it to hr@nccsda.com.
Monthly Report
Please save and use the month tab at the bottom to report your days “worked”, “off”, “holiday”, “vacation”, “sick”, etc. You can receive additional help from Payroll for mileage and other reimbursements you may qualify for. Vacation is tracked in the Human Resources department. Per month, please save as a pdf and then email it to payroll@nccsda.com. It is due by the first of each month. (It used to be the third, but this has recently changed.) Any vacation that is reported will be posted as Vacation in your electronic personnel file. If you have any questions about filling out your monthly expense report, please contact payroll. Click to download:Monthly Report in Excel Format
Vacation Request Form
Please submit to HR when you plan for vacation use. Please keep this form saved on your computer as well. Submit the request form to Human Resources when you are planning for vacation usage. Please note, vacation dates provided on your Vacation Request form is not what will be posted on your electronic personnel record. Only vacation that is reported on your monthly expense report will be posted as vacation used. Click to download:Pastors Vacation Request Form
Auto Insurance Assistance
You are eligible for the benefit of auto insurance assistance reimbursement. To receive this benefit, you must qualify with the required coverage per the NCC policy. The policy and the Automobile Insurance Assistance Application form are attached. Complete the application form to begin your assistance reimbursement, and then every time you renew your car insurance, complete the form again. You will need to submit your declaration of coverage including the beginning and end date of automobile coverage with your application form to complete the process of assistance reimbursement. The Conference will also assist with the deductible if the eligible employee has a comprehensive or collision claim. Please refer to the policy to see required coverage for Comprehensive and Collision coverage for this additional assistance benefit. Proof of coverage will be required when requesting deductible reimbursement. Please remember, this benefit is only provided when current insurance declarations are on file.
Please review the policy and application below. If you have the required coverage – please proceed with applying for auto insurance reimbursement. NCC offers this benefit for up to two vehicles. For the Roseville area and depending on your application election, your reimbursement will between $20.83 to $64.51 per pay period. Please complete the application and provide your car insurance Declaration Page providing the following information:
-Insurance coverage dates
-What vehicle(s) is being covered
-Who is covered
-The coverages you have elected to be covered by your insurance (per policy)
Click to download: NCC Auto Insurance Assistance Policy
Click to download: NCC Auto Insurance Assistance Application
Each time you renew your car insurance, please provide a new application with the Declaration Page attached. Also apply by sending this information to hr@nccsda.com.
Health Care (enroll or waive)
Upon eligibility for health care, NCC offers two plans – a PPO health care plan from Ascend to Wholeness: Accelerate Plan, and an HMO plan from Kaiser: Traditional Plan. You must enroll within the first 30 days from your status change date.
Review the Plan Summaries attached per plan. Once you have decided which coverage best fits your need, please enroll. NCC engages employees in our wellness program which requires participation and completion to continue with the plans being offered to you through onboarding with NCC. More information will be sent to you about the wellness program after you have chosen which plan you will enroll with. The current wellness program for 2024 ends on July 31, 2023. You will be provided with more information to help you successfully complete the wellness program once you have enrolled in the health care program of your choosing.
To Enroll in Ascend to Wholeness: go online to https://ascendtowholeness.org
Click on “Benefits Management”
Click on “I am an employee who does not have a healthcare member ID number”
Click “OK”
Your temporary Username is: 705501MEDMAR
Click Forgot Password and follow the instructions from there to create your login.
To Enroll in Kaiser – Please complete the attached Kaiser enrollment form
To decline healthcare being offered by NCC: If you have coverage on your own, please complete the attached Decline form and send it back to hr@nccsda.com.
The Contribution Rate for healthcare is $90 per unit, per month. Employee only is one unit at $90, Employee plus Spouse or Children is two units at $180, Employee plus family is three units at $270 per month. The cost is divided by the two pay periods per month.
The Buy-in Rate for healthcare is based upon the employee’s spouse’s annual earnings. Enclosed is the Dependent Rate sheet, which also includes eligibility factors to carry a dependent spouse on your plan.
You can cover dependent child(ren) and if eligible, you can cover your spouse. Please see the enclosed Dependent Rate sheet for eligibility factors to cover your spouse. The cost for covering dependents will be based upon comparing your spouse’s annual earnings to NCC’s Spouse’s Annual Earnings cap. Please see the enclosed Dependent Rate sheet for cost factors.
WHEN ENROLLING: please notify HR which rate you qualify for: either Contribution Rate or Buy-in Rate.
Married employee: The cost to cover your dependent(s) is based upon your spouse’s annual earnings compared to NCC’s Spousal Annual Earning Cap. Please see the attached Dependent Rate Sheet. You will determine whether you qualify at the Contribution Rate or the Buy-in Rate when comparing your spouse’s annual earnings to NCC’s Spousal Annual Earnings Cap.
Unmarried employee: Contribution Rate of $90 per month for dependent (child/children) and/or $90 per month for dependent spouse (if eligible to be covered).
There are eligibility factors to cover your spouse:
Is your spouse unemployed? If yes, your spouse is eligible.
Is your spouse employed and is NOT offered healthcare (medical, prescription, vision, dental, hearing) from his/her employer? If no, then your spouse is eligible.
If your spouse offered healthcare, but it exceeds 10% of his/her monthly gross income? If yes, then your spouse is eligible. Verification may be requested.
When enrolling dependents, please complete the dependent audit sheet and return to hr@nccsda.com.
If you choose to enroll in the PPO plan – please complete the online enrollment process. If you choose to enroll in the HMO plan – please complete the paper enrollment form.
If you already have health care and do not want to enroll with one of NCC’s healthcare options, please complete the Decline Form.
The Contribution Rate for healthcare is $90 per unit, per month. Employee only is one unit at $90, Employee plus Spouse or Children is two units at $180, Employee plus family is three units at $270 per month. The cost is divided by the two pay periods per month.
The Buy-in Rate for healthcare is based upon the employee’s spouse’s annual earnings. Enclosed is the Dependent Rate sheet, which also includes eligibility factors to carry a dependent spouse on your plan.
You can cover dependent child(ren) and if eligible, you can cover your spouse. Please see the enclosed Dependent Rate sheet for eligibility factors to cover your spouse. The cost for covering dependents will be based upon comparing your spouse’s annual earnings to NCC’s Spouse’s Annual Earnings cap. Please see the enclosed Dependent Rate sheet for cost factors.
WHEN ENROLLING: please notify HR which rate you qualify for: either Contribution Rate or Buy-in Rate.
You are eligible for the benefit of auto insurance assistance reimbursement. To receive this benefit, you must qualify with the required coverage per the NCC policy. The policy and the Automobile Insurance Assistance Application form is attached. Complete the application form to begin your assistance reimbursement, and then every time you renew your car insurance, complete the form again. You will need to submit your declaration of coverage including the beginning and end date of automobile coverage with your application form to complete the process of assistance reimbursement. The Conference will also assist with the deductible if the eligible employee has a comprehensive or collision claim. Please refer to the policy to see required coverage for Comprehensive and Collision coverage for this additional assistance benefit. Proof of coverage will be required when requesting deductible reimbursement. Please remember, this benefit is only provided when current insurance declarations are on file.
Please see attached policy and application. If you have the required coverage – please proceed with applying for auto insurance reimbursement. NCC offers this benefit for up to two vehicles. For the Roseville area and depending on your application election, your reimbursement will between $20.83 to $64.51 per pay period. Please complete the application and provide your car insurance Declaration Page providing the following information:
-Insurance coverage dates
-What vehicle(s) is being covered
-Who is covered
-The coverages you have elected to be covered by your insurance (per policy)
Each time you renew your car insurance, please provide a new application with the Declaration Page attached. Also apply by sending this information to hr@nccsda.com.
Read in its entirety, supplemental benefits you may be interested in (optional):
-VOYA Supplemental – payroll deducted – You can enroll in VOYA by logging into https://ascendtowholeness.org and follow the enrollment instructions above for healthcare for login.
Here are the instructions mentioned from above:
To Enroll in Ascend to Wholeness or VOYA: go online to https://ascendtowholeness.org
Click on “Benefits Management”
Click on “I am an employee who does not have a healthcare member ID number”
Click “OK”
Your temporary Username is: 70550MEDMAR
Click Forgot Password and follow the instructions from there to create your login.
Information you can keep for your records:
Basic Group Life
Long-Term Disability
Excel Sheet for monthly reporting – please save and use the month tab at the bottom to report your days “worked”, “off”, “holiday”, “vacation”, “sick”, etc. You can receive additional help from Payroll for mileage and other reimbursements you may qualify for.
Vacation Request Form – please submit to HR when you plan for vacation use.
Helpful links as an employee of NCC:
NCC website: https://nccsda.com/
To obtain forms from our NCC website: https://nccsda.com/forms/
Website for HR: https://nccsda.com/humanresources/
Adventist Retirement Plans website: https://www.adventistretirement.org/
Ascend to Wholeness website: https://ascendtowholeness.org/en-US/
Kaiser Permanente website: https://healthy.kaiserpermanente.org/northern-california/front-door
VSP website: https://www.vsp.com/
Guardian Dental website: https://www.guardianlife.com
Please continue to read the following information about you and your benefits through NCC:
You are covered by the Conference’s self-funded Workers’ Compensation Insurance for any work-related injury or illness.
Our claims administrator is:
Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.
Telephone: 1-855-572-5966
Fax: 1-866-261-5795
Should you become injured or become ill while on the job, notify HR immediately. Medical care for a work injury or illness is provided at no cost to you, so please do not use your personal medical benefits for treatment of a work injury or illness. You are entitled to disability pay should you become disabled due to a work injury through our workers’ compensation insurance.
Because the Conference is a non-profit religious institution, you are not eligible for:
State Unemployment Insurance
Paid Family Leave
State Disability Insurance
Premiums for these programs will not be deducted from your pay since we do not participate in these programs.
Please do not hesitate to call Human Resource if you have questions. Our team is happy to help with your onboarding experience.
Again, Welcome! We are happy you have joined our team.
Julie Lorenz
Human Resources
Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
2100 Douglas Blvd.,
P. O. Box 619015
Roseville, CA 95661
Office: 916-886-5600
Direct: 916-886-5698
Fax: 888-609-3904
NCC Office Hours:
Monday thru Thursday 8:30am – 5:30pm
Closed on Fridays