Pathfinder Bike-a-Thon
DATE: April 7, 2024
TIME: 8:00 a.m. – Track opens 4:00 p.m. – Track closes
LOCATION: South Ridge Estates, 9413 S Butte Rd, Sutter, CA 95982
This is a one-day riding/walking event which combines the following goals:
1. To provide a Conference supervised event to complete the cycling honor requirements for riding 50 miles. 2. To raise funds for the local Club and its programs.
3. A percentage of total funds for Conference use as follows:
(a) To fund the Pathfinder Coordinator’s services to Clubs and the Conference. (b) To pay expenses for the Bike-a-thon.
(c) To help with specific mission projects.
If you haven’t registered for the Bike-a-thon, please do so HERE so we know how to plan.