• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Church Growth and Evangelism Department
Church Planting Initiative
Planting Churches in the Northern California Conference.

A healthy church plant consists of a leadership team establishing a new mission-focused group
that ministers to its community, creating opportunities for God to grow His kingdom and become
a self-sustaining congregation that glorifies God.

Healthy Churches Plant Churches

NCC believes that no planter should plant alone. We have a support system for our pastors and lay members to equip them to plant churches.
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

ACTS Church Planters Residency

ACTS Church Planters residency is a 4-module residency that happens over about 7 months. They run on 4 different Saturdays about 2 months apart. Each church planter and their team will need to attend all 4 sessions and agree to the pre and post-module tasks assigned.

Church Planters Roadmap

Who Should Support the Work of Planting Churches?

“Upon all who believe, God has placed the burden of raising up churches, for the express purpose of educating men and women to use their entrusted capabilities for the benefit of the world, employing the means He has lent for His glory. He has made human beings His stewards. Gladly and generously they are to use the means in their possession for the advancement of righteousness and truth. They are to employ His entrusted talents in building up His work and enlarging His kingdom.”



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