• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Property Policies / Use Agreements

Signing Contracts

Signing Contracts 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Facilities Use Policy

Facilities Use Policy 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Use Agreement Policy

Use Agreement Policy 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Construction of New School Buildings

Construction of New School Buildings 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Use of Contractors

Use of Contractors 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Instructions for Purchasing Property

Instructions for Purchasing Property 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Use of Legal Counsel

Use of Legal Counsel 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Instructions for Selling Property

Instructions for Selling Property 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester

Rental Homes

Rental Homes 150 150 NCC SDA-Tester