• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return


Bernadette Johnson Retires

Bernadette Johnson Retires 384 504 Ken Miller

June 30- Bernadette Johnson retired from the NCC administration office after 19 years of service.

Johnson joined the NCC in 2004 as a clerk for Golden Gate Academy, where she was a substitute teacher and, eventually, treasurer. In 2007 she moved to the NCC administration offices in Pleasant Hill, where she became the administrative assistant for the ministerial department.

According to Jim Lorenz, ministerial director, “Bernadette knew how churches work, making her an outstanding advocate for pastors. She supported many pastors and churches in their day-to-day operations, and her insightful knowledge, dedication, and humor will be greatly missed.”

Johnson was known to be one step ahead of events throughout the territory, from pastor installations and group convocations to dedications and evangelistic series. Jennifer Kendrick, executive administrative assistant, stated, “I will miss her presence and associated laughter in the office. She was so fun to plan events with and would regularly know all the event’s particulars and have them half-planned in advance!”

Also respected as a spiritual mentor, Yolanda Frazier, administrative assistant to the African American ministries coordinator, said about Johnson, “When I started at the NCC, she took me under her wing and guided me to significant spiritual growth. I will truly miss her and am happy for her next mission with her family.”

Marc Woodson, NCC president, said, “Bernadette truly epitomizes our core values. She has a servant’s heart and is a passionate, hard worker. She always looks to help others, lending a helping hand wherever needed. She will be sorely missed.”

Bernadette and her husband, Willy, call Crowley, Texas, their home. They will enjoy their retirement close to their children and grandchildren.

Featured in Northern Lights, June 15, 2023

We Celebrate Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month

We Celebrate Asian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month 774 224 Ken Miller

In May we celebrated and honored our 23 Asian American and Pacific Islander Churches, companies, and groups in our territory who speak eleven different languages.

Our Asian Pacific Department works with the following cultural groups: Korean, Filipino, Chinese, Indonesian, Cambodian, Vietnamese, Hmong, Laotian, Samoan, Tongan, Japanese and Fijian.

We are also proud to have the only organized Fijian Church in the North American Division.

We wish to recognize our fifteen Asian Pacific pastors who are passionate hard workers and demonstrate a servant’s heart.

Featured in Northern Lights, May 25, 2023

Rosie Sanchez Joins Administrative Staff

Rosie Sanchez Joins Administrative Staff 1877 2326 Ken Miller

Rosie Sanchez recently joined the NCC offices. Sanchez is the new administrative assistant to Jose Marin, executive secretary.

After dedicating several years to family banking at Chase, Rosie found herself on a new and exciting path. Her prayers for a community that shared her deep commitment to Biblical principles and Christian values were answered, leading her toward a more fulfilling personal life. She explains, “I didn’t study the Bible much during my time in another church, but that lack of knowledge made me feel a strong desire to learn more about God.”

To answer her heart’s desire, Emmanuel Escobar, a friend, and member of the Sacramento Spanish Church, began inviting her to Vespers on Friday nights.

There, Sanchez found what she sought. A Bible-based community that she described by saying, “Not only were they friendly, but they engaged and surrounded me with love and care. This is exactly the desire God had put in my heart.”

Rosie was baptized on May 7, 2022. She reflects, “I now profoundly understand that my journey was in God’s hands, which gives me certainty in life. He has given me a church family, a new job serving Him, and assurance of His blessings.”

God had more blessings in store for Rosie. Emmanuel and Rosie’s connection grew stronger, and they will be married on May 28th, 2023.

Featured in Northern Lights, May 18, 2023

Mark Blue Series Promotes Clarity, Leadership, and Teamwork

Mark Blue Series Promotes Clarity, Leadership, and Teamwork 2000 664 Ken Miller

April 3- Principals, pastors, and members of the respective leadership teams met at Carmichael Church for the Mark Blue Lecture Series.

The annual in-service promotes teamwork and collaboration between churches and schools.

This year’s subject was creating effective leadership teams. Through presentations and breakout sessions, each team learned and practiced how to build trust, create conflict, and manage an effective meeting while staying focused on our purpose.

According to Michelle Piner, registrar at Sacramento Academy, “The seminar had great lessons and training to clarify an issue down to its core and then effectively tackle that issue as an administrative team.”

Diona Wheeler, a teacher at Yreka, stated, “Our Yreka team practices about ninety percent of the methods I saw today, but it was very eye-opening and helpful to see and learn a framework in which we can tackle each issue methodically.”

Steve Brownell, pastor of the Oroville Church, remarked, “The material and system was a great start to building more effective churches and schools. I hope we will continue to be trained, learn and become better stewards in our communities.”

Marc Woodson, president, wrapped up the day by stating, “Everything presented here today we have put into action over the last two years at the conference leadership level. The tools shared today will make your teams more effective. Sometimes there are bumps and bruises on our journey, but this method works. If implemented at your church or school, you will see positive results.”

Featured in Northern Lights, April 6, 2023

Ending Homelessness Initiative

Ending Homelessness Initiative 979 295 Ken Miller

Are you moved by the growing number of unhoused residents on the streets and parks throughout our cities and towns? Do you wish to be part of the solution?

At the 2022 Northern California Conference Constituency Session, we were challenged to be involved in significantly resolving homelessness in our territory.

We recognize that many churches and schools are addressing this humanitarian crisis. Nevertheless, there is more we can do to begin the work of ending homelessness.

To accomplish this overwhelming and seemingly impossible goal, we seek to hire a full-time person to coordinate the Ending Homelessness Initiative for our conference. The successful candidate will have a master’s degree, five years of experience related to homelessness, and demonstrated expertise and interest in this field. They will have established relationships with civic leaders, state and local governments, and community groups. They must show passion and expertise in bringing various groups together and galvanizing them to end homelessness in our church or school communities. Click here to read the full job description and apply.

We also seek an experienced team of volunteers to serve on our Council of Homelessness. The group’s purpose is to oversee the Initiative and support the coordinator. Click here for The Terms of Reference and a formal application.

Featured in Northern Lights, April 6, 2023

Biblical Sites Inspire Pastors and Spouses

Biblical Sites Inspire Pastors and Spouses 2000 1125 Ken Miller

The NCC Ministerial Department recently sponsored a trip through Biblical Greece and Turkey for pastors and their spouses.

Jim Lorenz, ministerial director, stated, “We had two goals with the trip. The first was to inspire and re-kindle a passion for the Bible and ministry in our pastors. The second was to foster a deeper connection with spouses and fellowship with each other. Ministry can be isolating for pastoral couples.”

Cynthia Marin, a planned giving consultant and spouse of Jose Marin, executive secretary, said, “It was great to finally get to know pastors and spouses that we only say a hello or goodbye to at functions.”

Visiting the seven churches of Revelations in Turkey, the travelers were able to gain a historical context and relate the seven messages to the ancient churches in a new light. Denise Brummund, junior accountant and wife of Shawn Brummund, associate pastor of Granite Bay Hilltop, exclaimed, “Standing in the historical sites brought an otherwise black and white picture of Biblical stories to full color. It was stunning.”

There was something for everyone. If you were steeped in Biblical history and Revelation prophecy, the tour information could come at firehose speed. Other couples found that the food, the culture, and the locations created a sense of awe and inspiration in their lives.

Lorenz concluded, “Visiting the churches of Paul’s journey brought his letters to the Philippians, Thessalonians, and Corinthians to life. Being immersed in the locations, focusing on the history, culture, and locations was like living in the book of Acts.”

Josie Asencio, pastor of the Antioch Church, wrote on her Instagram, “Our last day, I took it all in… at the canal, Corinth, the reason Paul talked about the ‘Body of Christ,’ some church moms and some fun! This afternoon, I put my phone down and enjoyed time with my friends. I am so grateful I came.”

Featured in Northern Lights, March 30, 2023

NCC Funds Relief For Earthquake Victims

NCC Funds Relief For Earthquake Victims 1912 999 Ken Miller

Serving the international community has always been an essential concern of members and churches of our territory.

The massive earthquakes that struck southern Türkiye and northwestern Syria on February 6 impacted a 310-mile-wide area populated by nearly 14 million people.

Our conference contributed $10,000 to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) in response to the extreme humanitarian need. These funds helped distribute food, water, clothing, and essential supplies, sheltered displaced families, and implemented water and sanitation solutions.

Zoltan Sitkei, ADRA country director for Hungary and search and rescue technician/paramedic, stated. “We rescued six people, including two children. It took us 14 hours to save a lady, who was found by our team. It was very difficult to get her out. We worked with the Turkish fire brigade. But finally, we found a solution and got her out,”

Featured in Northern Lights, March 9, 2023

Religious Liberty Weekend at Berkeley

Religious Liberty Weekend at Berkeley 1284 1992 Ken Miller

Prayer Ministry Retreat

Prayer Ministry Retreat 1912 999 Ken Miller

Religious Liberty Weekend

Religious Liberty Weekend 850 425 Ken Miller