• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return

Northern Lights

Pathfinders Find Leoni Fantastic!

Pathfinders Find Leoni Fantastic! 2000 1125 Ken Miller

October 6 – Pathfinders from our territory met at Leoni Meadows for their annual Camporee.

Over 600 campers from 35 clubs arrived for a weekend of spiritual renewal, fun activities, and work. Services were full of singing and praying, and the theme of the weekend, Live Love Now, was masterfully presented by Rudy Alvir, youth and young adult director of the Nevada-Utah Conference.

The Pathfinders marched in a parade with colorful banners and flags from around the world. In breakout sessions, many worked on new honors that included CPR, geology, and first aid. Other groups worked on camp renewal projects, including moving limbs into burn piles, spreading bark in the church bowl, and preparing old fence posts for future use. One of the highlights was when Pathfinders explored new camping areas that will be used annually for this and other events.

Eddie Heinrich, NCC youth and young adult director, stated, “We owe a big thank you to all the Pathfinders and their leaders that came and received a spiritual blessing and helped prepare Leoni Meadow as the future home of this event.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 19, 2023

Pets and Products Pull Eager Locals to Lodi Campus

Pets and Products Pull Eager Locals to Lodi Campus 2000 1125 Ken Miller

For 78 years, the Lodi Elementary Pet and Hobby Fair has drawn community members to a Sunday of furry fun and shopping.

Students and visitors flooded the campus, checking out the farm craft store, playing games, and enjoying delicious food. A petting zoo provided giggling children with a lot of fuzzy fun. First responders and other community service organizations shared information from each of their pavilions.

Lisa Nuss, Lodi Elementary principal, explained, “This event offers the school many fundraising opportunities that directly benefit the kids. It also provides fellowship and fun between our school and our community.”

Karen Kanas, parent, and board member, stated, “This yearly event is a highlight for current students, families, and those who return year after year to relive the fun!”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 19, 2023

Nathan Shires Installed

Nathan Shires Installed 2236 2742 Ken Miller

Recently, Nathan Shires was installed as the new district pastor of the Healdsburg and Cloverdale churches.

Formerly a district pastor from Oklahoma, Shires shared, “My wife and I weren’t necessarily looking to move, but the Lord had other plans. He fulfilled all five of the criteria we had laid before Him. We took that as our answer to come to California.”

Shires brings community-focused energy to his district, as he explains, “Revitalizing ourselves and our churches in a missional style is key to connecting our communities. I am excited to be in the Healdsburg, Cloverdale area and blessed with willing and eager churches to do God’s work.”

Nathan shares his life with Gurpreet, his wife of five years. She is a nurse practitioner for Adventist Health who grew up in San Jose.

Featured in Northern Lights, October 12, 2023

Stockton’s Soapy Service

Stockton’s Soapy Service 1893 981 Ken Miller

September 24- The Stockton Central Church sponsored a community car wash put on by the church youth leaders.

David Peckham, lead pastor, explained, “This event was designed to engage with our neighborhood and as a fundraiser for the youth department. We did not charge a fee for each washed car but accepted donations, and many cars queued up for a scrub.”

The enthusiastic washers scurried around each car, quickly soaping, rinsing, and drying cars. While waiting, drivers could peruse a rummage sale in the gymnasium, hosted by the primary sabbath school parents and children.

Peckham continued, “One visitor who had his truck washed exclaimed that he was impressed by such a positive experience and how impressive it was to see youth working so hard. After his truck was dried, he left the site and returned later with a flat of bottled water as a gift for all the workers!”

One parent stated, “This was a unique opportunity to engage the community, for families to work together for a good cause, and mentor our youth to work with passion and a purpose.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 12, 2023

The Adventure of Cycling

The Adventure of Cycling 1923 1008 Ken Miller

October 1-Over 200 riders and 300 more family members and support staff turned out for the annual Adventurers Bike Derby.

Sacramento Adventist Academy’s (SAA) campus was alight with young cyclists waiting for the start signal while homemade food and drinks prepared by different Adventurer clubs excited the hungry visitors. And ride they did! Barry van Iderstein, NCC children and family ministry director, estimated the total miles ridden added up to over 1,000!

The SAA campus was complete with cook tents, rest areas, games, and weekend mechanics. With the enthusiasm of a Tour de France crowd, parents cheered riders as young as four and as old as ten.

The helmeted packs of riders took turns on the track, with younger riders out first and more experienced riders moving much faster. A third track was reserved for the riders on tricycles and training wheels. There was something for each bicyclist and tricyclist to enjoy.

Van Iderstein stated, “This event wouldn’t be possible without the extremely hard work and dedication of the Adventurer area coordinators, their families, and the help of several volunteers and SAA representatives. We are already looking forward to October 6, 2024, when the next derby takes place.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 12, 2023

Catrina LeSure Ordained

Catrina LeSure Ordained 1983 1197 Ken Miller

September 23, Catrina LeSure was ordained at the Palo Cedro Church.

Her father gushed in his introduction, “Catrina has loved the Lord from a very young age. With that came a desire to serve others. As a result, she graduated from Andrews University with a degree in Education.”

Her first job out of college was a junior-high teaching position, and while she loved the kids and being their teacher, it fueled a desire to go deeper. She returned to Andrews, studied for the ministry, and pursued service as a pastor.

After entering ministry in Idaho, she answered the call to the Palo Cedro church, where she is currently the youth pastor.

Marc Woodson, NCC president, praised, “We are very proud of Catrina today; she has served the Lord well and served with courage, and we are glad she is a part of the NCC.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 5, 2023

Willits Church Commits To Serving Unhoused

Willits Church Commits To Serving Unhoused 834 574 Ken Miller

Members of the Willits Church continuously show their servant’s hearts and passionate hard work, positively impacting their community.

Jeb Berbasal, district pastor, stated, “From a deep sense of duty and love for their neighbors, they have created ‘Serving with Compassion,’ an initiative to feed and serve unhoused persons in the area.”

The ministry team serves many people weekly, feeding, praying, and clothing with love and encouragement. Bersabal continued, “This outreach is also about manifesting faith through action. Serving others with compassion is a sacred duty that strengthens both the giver AND the receiver.”

Bersabal concluded, “The core of its mission is not just about the food; it’s about letting people know they are seen and valued as part of caring for them.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 5, 2023

A Perfect Fall Picnic

A Perfect Fall Picnic 2002 1125 Ken Miller

NCC teachers, pastors, employees, and their children came out on Sunday, September 24, to the annual employee appreciation picnic held at Sacramento Adventist Academy (SAA).

Planned and organized by the NCC administration and staff, the shady schoolyard was festooned with culinary delights and activities for all ages. Carmichael Cougar Pathfinder Club provided enough corndogs and their secret recipe tartar sauce to please a baseball crowd. Sacramento Spanish Pathfinders offered an eclectic buffet of Mexican foods and salsas. Sacramento Slavic brought their food trailer serving варе́ники and налисники (pierogis and blintzes) complimented with gourmet ice cream and drinks.

NCC Youth Director Eddie Heinrich, son, Kyler, and SAA students enthusiastically monitored a sea of children as they frolicked in the bouncy house, the massive inflatable obstacle course, and the famous climbing wall. A fierce game of nine-square-in-the-air seemed to have no end as children jumped and hit the ball.

Pastors, teachers, and staff from as far away as Redding conversed and laughed, relaxed at picnic tables, enjoying the complimentary fare. Friendly conversations and kids’ laughter were intermixed with more competitive gamers bouncing from table to table, stirring interest in the softball game or pickleball court.

Marc Woodson, NCC president stated, “I want to thank our directors and staff that planned this event and worked tirelessly to make it happen. I also wish to acknowledge our NCC employees who connect people daily to an abundant life in Jesus.”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 5, 2023

Prayer Rally at Capitol Draws Appreciation

Prayer Rally at Capitol Draws Appreciation 2000 1125 Ken Miller

September 10- The NCC Women’s Ministry department sponsored a women’s prayer rally at the State Capitol Rose Garden.

Angela Fusilier, women’s ministries coordinator, reported, “We prayed, worshiped, sang, conversed, and praised the Lord in harmonious spirit. But the Lord had even more in store for us.” One attendee, Yvette, wrote on the ministry’s Facebook page after the event, “The speaker, Lisa Marsh, was amazing, the ministries were inspiring, the vegetarian food was delicious, and my table mates even offered me flowers! God knew that I needed to hear every word that was spoken that day! Praise Him!”

Gwiin Correa, Southgate church member, reported that a gentleman from Norway who had flown to Sacramento for a concert he ultimately missed stumbled upon the Sunday morning gathering while exploring Capitol Park. Drawn in by the music, he joined the prayer event and stayed for the entire luncheon. Touched by the experience, he shared, “I plan to find a Seventh-Day Adventist church when I return to Norway.”

A women’s ministry member, Niki Eby, exclaimed, “Wow, my heart is full! The vision of this event and the passion of the attendees came together beautifully! The morning prayer event was amazing. So many people were blessed with overflowing goodness!”

Fusilier explained, “We met in prayer to ask God into our lives, families, community, and government. The power of the Holy Spirit blessed the people who came, and many surprises that can only be attributed to His work were witnessed. We continue to connect and minister to the friends we made there.”

Featured in Northern Lights, September 28, 2023

Manteca and Local Area Churches Fix Teeth and Eyes

Manteca and Local Area Churches Fix Teeth and Eyes 2000 1125 Ken Miller

Thanks to a generous gift, the NCC Health Ministries Department can fund ten free medical and dental clinics in our territory. James Lim, director of Health Ministries, said, “These funds help participant churches to provide services that are free to the community.”

On August 20, Manteca Church members from both English and Spanish groups, plus many members from Lodi, Escalon, and Stockton churches, united in the early morning hours to serve the Manteca community, providing much-needed physical and spiritual care.

Dentists, eye-care professionals, church members, and businesses donated services, medical supplies, and volunteers for this effort. Attendees received free cleanings, extractions, fillings, and eye exams that included a free pair of glasses. One of the many persons served tearfully thanked the volunteers for fixing a bad tooth her husband had been suffering from.

The team credited the large turnout and numerous connections made at the event to the Holy Spirit’s response to their nightly online prayer meetings leading up to the event. The prayer team and pastors were available to serve and offer prayers and counseling to receptive people. Everyone was invited to upcoming evangelism meetings that are scheduled soon.

Featured in Northern Lights, September 28, 2023