• Connecting people to an abundant life with Jesus Christ and preparing them for His return


The Great Delta Convocation

The Great Delta Convocation 1979 1051 Ken Miller

To create a more collaborative environment and better engage members, the Delta area churches and schools convened for a weekend convocation. The Delta area incorporates the NCC southern region with Sutter Hill, Angels Camp and San Andreas in the East, Manteca, and Tracy to the South, Lodi, Stockton, and Galt in the central region, and Antioch to the West.

Nearly 800 adults and 100 young people attended the event, prompting Tracy Baerg, Lodi Fairmont pastor, and Delta Area Coordinator, to exclaim, “This event had a very camp meeting atmosphere! We even had 700 remote viewers watch the sermons and presentations on our YouTube channel.”

Attendee Audrey Weir-Graham stated, “The Delta Area Convocation was an amazing experience for all who were blessed to attend. I love how the worship service was intentionally designed to be both gender and culturally inclusive. We worshiped together as All God‘s Children.”

Baerg continued, “It was a privilege to collaborate with devoted church pastors, inspiring principals, dedicated teachers, and an incredible team of staff and volunteers. Together we shared our time, talents, and resources, turning this event into a true blessing for all.”

Featured in Northern Lights, February 29, 2024

Church Status for Weimar University Company

Church Status for Weimar University Company 4004 2250 Ken Miller

On November 10th, Weimar University Company officially became a church of the Northern California Conference during a special dedication ceremony. This event celebrated the church’s growth within the conference and memorialized its ongoing commitment to service and mission.

During the ceremony, the Weimar Choir and Orchestra filled the sanctuary with uplifting music that glorified God and inspired everyone present. Marc Woodson, NCC President, delivered a powerful message, and Jose Marin, NCC Executive Secretary, and John Rasmussen, NCC Treasurer, presented the church with a membership plaque and gift.

This dedication marks a new chapter for Weimar University Church. It reaffirms the church’s mission to serve the Lord and the community, continuing to move forward in faith and service, united in Christ.

Featured in Northern Lights, December 12, 2024

Establishing Homelessness Taskforces

Establishing Homelessness Taskforces 3791 1962 Ken Miller

On November 16, sixty members from local churches gathered at the Roseville Church for the inaugural Ending Homelessness Summit.

The Northern California Conference (NCC) aims to reach “Functional Zero” for at least one unhoused population group in a community where an NCC church or school is located by 2032. Functional Zero occurs when homelessness is rare, brief, and non-recurring. This summit equipped attendees to establish homelessness task forces within their churches and schools.

Presenters from the NCC Council on Homelessness outlined the Ending Homelessness Initiative, explained Functional Zero, and provided theological and practical frameworks for addressing homelessness. Joelle Chinnock, NCC’s Ending Homelessness Initiative Coordinator, emphasized the importance of partnerships, highlighting a successful affordable housing project developed by Path of Life Ministries in Riverside.

This summit launched a united effort to end homelessness, showcasing the NCC’s commitment to being agents of hope and healing. As NCC President Marc Woodson said, “The call to end homelessness reflects Christ’s mission to serve the most vulnerable among us. Through faith, collaboration, and action, we can bring hope and lasting change to our communities, fulfilling our commitment to love our neighbors as ourselves.”

Featured in Northern Lights, December 12, 2024

Commitment to Community Service Leads to Baptisms

Commitment to Community Service Leads to Baptisms 2048 1525 Ken Miller

On August 17, 2024, the Sutter Creek Church celebrated a significant milestone as seven individuals committed their lives to Christ through baptism. Each person’s journey to this moment took a unique path, yet all were united by the love and support they found within their church community.

Several were drawn to God through personal Bible studies and others by service ministries to which the Sutter Creek members are dedicated. One person, Danielle, chose to be baptized before her husband deployed to his military station, while another forewent baptism at the Pathfinder Camporee to be with her church family.

Daniel Cramton, head elder, shared, “We saw families grow in faith as parents and children made individual commitments together. For all those baptized, the church members’ constant influence played a vital role.”

Cramton continued, “Our church is rejoicing in this moment of growth and celebrating these life-changing decisions. Praise the Lord for His work in each life. There is nothing greater than being a part of building up God’s Kingdom and getting one more for Jesus!”

Featured in Northern Lights, December 5, 2024

Donate to the Feather River Adventist School Victims Fund

Donate to the Feather River Adventist School Victims Fund 4800 2700 Ken Miller
The Northern California Conference of Seventh-day Adventists (NCC) has established the Feather River Adventist School Victims Fund to provide a trusted avenue for support. This fund is dedicated to directly supporting the students, families, and staff of Feather River Adventist School, all of whom have been deeply impacted by this senseless and violent act.
In alignment with our values and ethical stewardship, we want to clarify that this fund supports the entire Feather River Adventist School community, not just two specific families. If you wish to restrict your support to Elias Wolford or Roman Mendez and their families, you may indicate this in the check memo line or the notes section of the online giving form. Because NCC is a conduit for support, ensuring that 100% of the contribution benefits those affected, gifts are not tax-deductible.
Please visit the Feather River Adventist School Victims Fund Giving Link to contribute.  Or send your contributions to Northern California Conference, C/O Feather River School Support, 2100 Douglas Blvd, Roseville, CA 95661. If you have questions, you can email our Director of Communication and Development, laurie.trujillo@nccsda.com. Your support will play a vital role in helping our community heal and rebuild.

Click here to support.


Pacific Press Celebrates 150 Years

Pacific Press Celebrates 150 Years 3777 2023 Ken Miller

Northern California has played a significant role in the history of the Pacific Press Publishing Association.

At the 1874 Camp Meeting in Yountville, along the Napa River, Elder G. I. Butler, the president of the General Conference, encouraged the gathered community to continue their outreach and evangelism efforts on the West Coast.

This was just six years after Elders J. N. Loughborough and D. T. Bourdeau arrived in California and began evangelistic meetings in the Sonoma Valley. Moreover, it was only four months after James White started publishing “Signs of the Times,” a magazine aimed at the West Coast audience.

During the Yountville camp meeting, an offering was collected to fund publishing efforts that would support the growth of the Adventist Church, particularly on the West Coast. Consequently, the Pacific Press Publishing Association began its work in Oakland from 1874 until 1904 before moving to Mountain View in 1984. It has been located in Nampa, Idaho, for 40 years.

This year marks 150 years of sharing God’s love through the printed page. Dale Galusha, President of the Pacific Press Publishing Association, shared the special celebration event on August 17. Watch that event online!

Featured in Northern Lights, November 14, 2024

Elder Jack Pefley Enters to His Rest

Elder Jack Pefley Enters to His Rest 961 1240 Ken Miller

We share with deep regret the news of Pastor Jack Pefley’s passing on Friday, October 11.

“Pastor Jack” was an evangelist for Amazing Facts from 1995 to 2009, then joined the NCC as the conference evangelist from 2010 to his retirement in 2017. A former co-worker reflected, “Jack’s style was right out of the Wild West, irrepressible, simple, and down to earth.” Until his passing, he regularly took the pulpit at Citrus Heights, his long-time church family.

Marc Woodson, NCC President, reflected, “Jack Pefley had a passion for winning people to Jesus. His optimistic spirit and joy while doing God’s work were inspiring and encouraging. Only heaven knows Jack’s ministry’s impact on the Kingdom. He will be missed, but we look forward to seeing him again when our Lord returns!”

The family warmly invites you to a memorial service at 11 AM on Sunday, November 3, at the Citrus Heights SDA Church.

Featured in Northern Lights, October 31, 2024

Jason Bulgin Ordained at Capitol City

Jason Bulgin Ordained at Capitol City 3929 2075 Ken Miller

Recently, Jason Bulgin was ordained at the Sacramento Capitol City Church during the annual African American Convocation.

Born in Canada, Bulgin grew up in an environment deeply rooted in faith, cultivating a desire to serve others. To that end, he attended Oakwood University and experienced a profound spiritual transformation. This defining moment set him on an educational path, and he earned a Master of Christian Ministry and a PhD in Philosophy. He joined the NCC in 2021 as the associate pastor of Capitol City Church, where he is now the senior pastor.

Rudy Peters, African American ministries coordinator, stated, “Jason has his roots in a rich legacy of service. Inspired by his father and father-in-law, who were faithful pastors and nurtured by his mother, his ordination was a culmination of a long journey of service and prayer.”

Bulgin has been blessed with a loving family. He is married to Jessica Delana Ellis, and together they are the proud parents of four children: Jordyn Naomi, Sabrena Janae, Joseph Delano, and Jason Jr.

Featured in Northern Lights, October 31, 2024

David Woolcock Ordained at Capitol City Church

David Woolcock Ordained at Capitol City Church 914 1017 Ken Miller

On October 12, 2024, David Woolcock was ordained at the Sacramento Capital City church, an event made more significant because it coincided with the annual African American Convocation.

Woolcock’s spiritual path was nurtured from a young age, as he decided to follow Christ and be baptized at 13. His original plan was to become a nurse and attend medical school, but that shifted after receiving a call to ministry. This ultimately led him to enroll at Andrews University, where he completed his Master of Divinity.

Over the years, Pastor Woolcock has served in various roles, including urban youth evangelism, youth pastor, associate pastor, and pastor for NCC since 2019. His philosophy is rooted in sharing the gospel and inviting people to follow Jesus, and he believes in the transformative power of faith. John the Baptist’s declaration inspires his overall approach to ministry: “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

He shares his life with Dr. Marlin Duran, and together they have two children, David Jr., 13, and Joy, 7.

Featured in Northern Lights, October 24, 2024

Academy Volleyball Teams Create Lasting Friendships

Academy Volleyball Teams Create Lasting Friendships 4004 2250 Ken Miller

Recently, the spirit of competition and friendship flourished at Pacific Union College, where twelve women’s high school volleyball teams came together for three days of intense play and community-building.

Teams from La Sierra, Glendale, and Newbury Park, MBA, Modesto, Mt. View, and Trinity joined NCC schools Lodi, Sacramento, Pine Hills, PUC Prep, and Pleasant Hill Academies for the event. These young athletes did not just show up to compete—they came to connect and support each other.

Michael Wong, Volleyball Coach at Glendale, highlighted the tournament’s significance. “It was a great experience for our team. Watching the girls create new relationships and reconnect with others from last year. Events like these strengthen the ties that unite us.”

Matthew Lee, Athletic Director at PUC Prep and the tournament director, also emphasized the power of connection. “What I love most about this tournament is how the teams interact off the court. You see them cheering for one another, sitting together between games, and sharing meals. These moments are about building lasting, meaningful bonds.”

This spirit of unity and faith showed itself strongly on Friday when a player fell hard on the court, prompting medical personnel to arrive. It was an emotional moment when players from many teams gathered in a circle and prayed for God’s protection over the injured player. Garrison Chaffee, youth pastor, praised, “I have great hope for the future with young people who display such faith, hope, and character!”

Featured in Northern Lights, October 24, 2024