Redwood Area Camp Meeting


California Assembly Bill 506 (AB506) requires that all NCC Regular Volunteers must be Live Scanned and complete Child Protection/Mandated Reporter Training. Regular Volunteers are defined as adults who have contact with minors and serve 16 hours or more in a month or 32 hours or more in a year.


Where to begin with mechanical? The truth is our equipment is mostly old and cranky. In other words, they require a patient, creative master mechanic with a sense of humor. If you are a problem-solving tinkerer, we have a job for you! Please contact us at redwoodareacamp.secretary@gmail.com


Many of you heard the repeated call for help with sanitation. And thank goodness many of you answered that call! You were evidence that God hears our prayers. Thank you!

Let’s see if we can avoid the mayhem next year by getting a large crew lined up to keep our campus clean and sweet-smelling.  Dena and Andy Roy, plus multiple generations of extended family, have faithfully administered doody duty for over 50 years! We could not run the camp without this dedicated family. If you are interested in joining this legendary effort, please reach out via email to andenaroy@gmail.com

Campground Maintenance

Tree removal, branch clean up, weed eating and mowing are always a huge part of getting the camp ready for campers.

We will be hosting a clean-up weekend on Memorial Day 2025. If you and/or a group would like to come work on a different weekend, that can be also arranged. Email us at redwoodareacamp.secretary@gmail.com


Because of the wonderful weather during the off-season, which is why our Redwoods are so happy, we have corrosion problems—lots of them! Therefore, the camp is always in need of electricians willing to check and replace electrical infrastructure. If you are a licensed electrician or would like to volunteer with an electrician, contact us at redwoodareacamp.secretary@gmail.com


The hot water systems in both bathrooms are in need of diagnostics and repair. There are  leaky pipes and faucets throughout the campground each year in need of TLC.

Road Signs and CampSite ID Markers

This project has a team lead already but could people to scope out and document