Redwood Area Camp Meeting


California Assembly Bill 506 (AB506) requires that all NCC Regular Volunteers must be Live Scanned and complete Child Protection/Mandated Reporter Training. Regular Volunteers are defined as adults who have contact with minors and serve 16 hours or more in a month or 32 hours or more in a year.


Someone to create posters/inserts/ads

Ambassadors for your churches and areas willing to do the “boots on the ground” advertising for Redwood

Trees & Branches

Past project Memorial Day Clean up event.


New Restrooms – Need to replace the “courtesy wall” at the new restrooms, men’s side.

Need to pressure wash the bricks at the new restrooms.

Before end of June – all high weeds need to be mowed down.

Basketball Courts – need weed eating around and under bleachers.


These projects require an electrician:

Dogpatch needs electrical pulled in and set up for pet owners that require electrical for medical needs.

Need to go through the camp and identify what outlets need to be replaced due to water corrosion.


This has a team lead and most repairs have been done already, but mechanical needs always arise.

Toyota Forklift not running.


Dogpatch – spigots are compromised – need to be replaced with standard PVC alternative.

We know of water leaks, but they won’t be addressed until the rains stop and the ground allows us to find them (Water is off on most of the camp)

We need to go through and identify/fix the broken spigots that cows have broken before we turn the water on in May.

Road Signs and CampSite ID Markers

This project has a team lead already but could people to scope out and document